Incomplete Propeller Range?
I have noticed that the propeller lever (when mapped to propeller axis) does not provide control over the entire pitch range at the lower (course/feather) end of the range.
For example, with the throttle set to ground idle, shouldn't moving the propeller lever to it's rearmost detent place the propeller into it's fully feathered position? Currently, the only way to make this happen is by mapping the simulator function "Hold Propeller Reverse Thrust" to a button or rearmost detent of the propeller lever and using this in conjunction with the propeller axis set to minimum. Doing this produces the expected behavior but just using the propeller pitch axis alone does not.
It's tricky to explain in writing but I'll try!
I use a TM HOTAS throttle with the propeller axis mapped to one of the 2 throttle levers. Each of the throttle levers has a lift and pull detent at the lower end. When you pull the lever past the lowest position and into the detent, it actives a button press/hold. I have this mapped to the "Hold Propeller Reverse Thrust" function in the simulator.
Therefore, is there not a way of enabling full pitch range via the propeller axis alone without the need to map this function?