Missing ARM annunciation for NAV/APR
HI Boris, I posted this a while ago, it's not had any replies so was wondering if it was just me...
Hello all,
The topic of autopilot mode arming in MSFS is a tricky one. The default autopilot controller has no sense of mode arming, but I have done my best to detect it, such as when NAV mode is engaged in VLOC mode, but no signal is detected on the driving radio. The only way to do better than this is to create your own custom autopilot implementation, which is exactly what some 3rd party GPS developers have done. For this reason, you may notice differences in how mode arming behaves when using different avionics configurations in the same aircraft. I've done my best with the features available to me from each developer, but the solution is not perfect. If anyone submits improved code or understanding of this situation in MSFS, I am happy to make changes to improve the product, but there is fundamentally a limit to what can be done with the default autopilot.
I hope that all makes sense. Thank you!
Nick C. -
I just explained to you that it is not my products that are flawed, but a fundamental limitation with the flight simulator. I have even gone beyond most other developers to code my own solutions to overcome the shortcomings of the flight simulator, wherever possible. In fact, probably half my time programming is spent circumventing the shortcoming of the simulator. I am, however, always listening to the bright minds in our community who might think of new ways to do things that I have not, so that we can all have a better experience.
If you’re unable make a compatible product to conform to the sim parameters, then you need to make alternations like other vendors have done. Listening isn’t cutting it. If you have don’t have skills to fix your product you need a to hire someone who can. You’re wasting time and opportunity by trying to explain away why your product underperforms competitors. If all you can do is blame the platform you should withdraw your product as not ready for prime time and refund customers who don’t want to wait around to see if you heard anything.
The simulator does not natively support autopilot NAV mode arming, period. I have written my own code to provide mode arming indications when provided by 3rd party GPS devices, and also when no valid GPS or VOR navigation signal is detected. This is all that can be done for any aircraft that does not rise to the complexity of a commercial airliner. I have received your personal message, which I shall address separately.
@boris-t I don't think you understand what you are asking for here. This is an addon developer trying to do his best to work around the inherent limitations of Microsoft Flight Simulator by Asobo/Microsoft. If that is not enough for you, I believe you need to talk to your Microsoft representative to have them fix the simulator :)
The default TBM 930 doesn’t have the deficiencies I’m complaining about. The 850 mod adds analog gauges but compromises the operation of the AP function. It’s hardly my responsibility to seek a resolution from MS. That’s the duty of the developer to ensure his product can work on an equal basis as the competitors.
I don't see this as affecting a single annunciator. the controller panel doesn't sequence when you press the Test button. The pre-test sequence doesn't display "AP" when completed. The EFIS 40 doesn't display NAV/APR Arm states in white letters as described in the manual. this is punch list of just first impressions particular to the controller and EFIS display.
@boris-t yeah deafult Asobo/WT 930 does have these capabilities, and it uses g3000 instead of a totally different instrumentation set. Given that these are 2 different avionics suites it's somewhat akin to saying that Fenix A320 is bad because it will not self-initiate a descend in VNAV like PMDG 73 would.
To my knowledge, the addon that has custom arming logic is SWS PC-12, but with it I have encountered numerous times shooting through the "armed" altitude, so it seems that indeed is not a trivial task.
Knidarkness: I wasn’t trying to make an apples to apples comparison to the 930 whose avionics is superior. I only remark about the Arm alerts.
My chief complaint is the absence of ARM indications on the controller and efis 40. The AP will fly an ILS and GPS approach and intercept and track a course. The BS manual notes that the ARM displays in white on the EFIS as is typical across electronic ADI, but it’s absent in the model. The controller is supposed to display annunciator lights when you press the Test( trim) sw. that function is missing even though that function is documented in the Bendix manual. Every similar model equipped IFR avionics post 90’s has ability to display status indicators. Can you imagine the ambiguity if you’re not alerted that you are in capture range of course or GS/GP. I have a Carenado Mooney in my hangar. Carenado is known for their refined modeling but not necessarily for avionics accumen. yet that plane has a comm/nav display that denotes change of state Arm and Actv indication for the default 530. The argument is lost on me that it requires a deep knowledge of MSFS AP minutiae to light a few indicators when the a/c is within a couple of dots, or below the GS and sixty degrees of final app course. The hard part is already installed and seemingly working except the change of state alerts. Why is that the biggest challenge that can’t be overcome except with expert knowledge.Btw, I own the Fenix but haven’t flown it in a year. Are you telling me that their 320 is unable to fly auto throttle coupled VNAV approach?