Autopilot After SIM Update 14
Funny you should ask about the TBM, since I just returned to add the new Duke features to it today. Unfortunately, I've just spent the last few minutes trying to induce the behavior you're describing with no luck. Does this happen reliably enough that you would be able to send me a video of it happening?
The yoke moving in the opposite direction as your hardware input will happen in any MSFS aircraft, though. In a real aircraft, the autopilot servos apply torque to counteract the force you put on the yoke, but in the simulator, the only way it can counteract your input is by trying to displace the control surface in the opposite direction.
I recalibrated my Vkb gunfighter stick and added a higher deadline and it is seemingly not happening any more. I wonder if it had something to do with the sensitivity of the stick and not much of a dead zone somehow messing with the autopilot.
Hardware controls with potentiometers (as opposed to hall effect sensors) can sometimes suddenly go to full deflection, even when they are not being moved. Sometimes you can clean them just exercising them vigorously. I have to do this with the rotary controls on my Saitek X52 periodically, or else my mixture will suddenly roll back to zero.
Please let me know if you see this again, and try to catch a video, if you can. Thank you!
I tested this issue once again, previously removing the TBM850 and PMS along with the path allowing PMS to function in this aircraft. After reinstalling, I observe the following:
If I arm the HDG or NAV mode before takeoff and engage the AP during the flight, the aircraft does not follow the autopilot mode (it looks like the ARM mode does not work? or maybe it is my incompetence, and this model of arming does not work in this kind of AP?). Unfortunately after that (even if I disconnect AP and restart modes) autopilot still remains unreactive and I need to switch it between modes for a couple of times to get it working.
If I engage the Autopilot after takeoff and then activate HDG or NAV, the aircraft seems to follow the path correctly. I have noticed this consistency (regardless of whether it's the 530 or GTN750). I will try to upload a video if you still cannot be able to replicate it.
I have had issues with the NAV function not operating if you are too far off of the course with the PMS GPS. However, I have not had problems with the AP ever not functioning with HDG mode. ON takeoff, make sure that RED test light is NOT on in the lower right hand part of the AP panel. You have to wait for it to go out of test mode or it does not work. I just tested on the runway and engaged HDG and AP mode before I takeoff and it worked just fine after takeoff.
Well I figured this out - my stick had right deflection and I had to replace the spring. Because of that TBM ignored autopilot setting and went right constantly. I guess I should call myself as the airbus calls pilot during landing phase :D Apologies guys, now I fully enjoy TBM, going duke soon :) Thank you for suggestions.
I was led to believe the issues with loading flightplan into G530/430 were going to be fixed by WT for the SU15 update. My intitial test in TBM850 showed no change to earlier behaviour, flight plans created in LNM still dont load reliably from .PLN file.
I also find the TBM defaults to GNS750. How can one induce the aircraft to save its configuration after a flight, or is this also a bug. I am concerned that these issues are somehow related.
@simnut531 said in Autopilot After SIM Update 14:
I was led to believe the issues with loading flightplan into G530/430 were going to be fixed by WT for the SU15 update. My intitial test in TBM850 showed no change to earlier behaviour, flight plans created in LNM still dont load reliably from .PLN file.
I also find the TBM defaults to GNS750. How can one induce the aircraft to save its configuration after a flight, or is this also a bug. I am concerned that these issues are somehow related.
I did not have any luck with an imported .PLN file loading into the WT GNS units, either, the one time I tried since SU15. However, with the state saving I believe you need to make the change and then exit the sim entirely, due to how the state saving works.
Seems like the plan loading problem must affect many, many others, surely it can be attended to- I did leave a comment in Working Title forum, yet to see any solution offered.
As far as saving the currrent configuration state, with a Steam game, the only option that appears to be available is to exit via the Steam stop button. But, given I usually do that, maybe that isn't the answer. However, that method should surely save the current game parameters, including aircraft state. Maybe it isn't that simple...
No, that's definitely wrong. You can't get back to the main menu and click Quit on the bottom? As I understand it, that's the only time it will save the configuration of the last aircraft; it needs to close on its own gracefully, not through Steam, the X at the top right, etc.
Ok, first test of shutdown does preserve config thanks. Also I tried another approach to plan loading- load .PLN file from LNM (gets a map onto the MSFS map screen, immediately save the plan as a .FLT. Then reload from that .FLT file, plan loads into G530. Will try that scenario a few times from complete shutdown and see what happens!
Maintaining a choice of Nav GPS systems (750 or 530/430)- exit the SIM or aircraft by going backwards to Main Window, then quit to Desktop. Do not Quit via Steam !
Workaround for loading flight plans into G530/430 reliably-
- Create .PLN file in Little Nav Map (or Simbrief)
- Export flight plan as .PLN to a folder of choice (choose that plan in MSFS with Load/save option
- Set time of departure at location (neither Live Weather or Time slider are available after starting the flight)
- Save flight plan using the Load/Save option in the Map screen to SAVE the plan as a .FLT file in same folder (or other folder)
- Load that .FLT file back into the Map using the Load/Save option (plan should now appear in running G530/430)
- Set up the aircraft for Flight.
To change the plan or aircraft, follow this scheme back to Main menu page and select a new plan or new aircraft. I only tried this 4 times, rebooting once because of locked SIM, and it worked reliably. Prior to this I was lucky to get any plan to load from the Load/Save button into the Blacksquare TBM850. I have yet to try Bonanza or Baron.