Unexpected Trim Settings Needed
In all of my flights with the TBM 850 so far, I've noticed that the plane develops a rightward yaw in cruise flight at high power settings. This can be corrected by dialing in some left rudder trim (left of the center line on the rudder trim indicator). If I don't use left rudder trim, the autopilot will compensate by commanding a constant bank to the left. This strikes me as unusual. I don't have any significant knowledge of the TBM, but I would expect to need right rudder trim during climb and relatively neutral trim in cruise.
The same rightward yaw tendency was also reported with screenshots by a user on the Microsoft forum here:
Also, I'm seeing the same behavior with the green elevator trim range that other users have reported. If I set elevator trim in the green band, the airplane appears to have significant nose-down trim that requires a sharp pull on the yoke to counter -- leading to an abrupt lurch into the air rather than a well-controlled takeoff.
Since I have no experience with real-world TBM flying, it's possible that both of these are quirks of the real TBM.
@marckc Here's a reply direct from the developer for you:
'Thanks for the feedback. I believe the right yaw was caused by an overly aggressive setting in the aerodynamics config that was intended by Asobo to "help" users with torque effects on takeoff, as the SDK suggests that this force is increased based on the assistance options. Since my users don't need any hand-holding, you won't see that behavior in the next update, which will be released very soon. The same goes for the elevator trim position, though that is nothing wrong with the aerodynamics, just the position of the indicator. Thank you!'
Hope that helps.