Are the Lvars etc the same as for the Caravan ?
@gabe777 From the developer, for you:
'Some of the L:Vars are shared, but the TBM (and the upcoming Dukes) are MUCH more friendly for cockpit builders. The TBM has almost all the L:Vars needed to control and read from the aircraft listed at the top of the AnalogTBM.XML file. I'm always happy to help cockpit builders directly through the JF tech support system too, so you can use all your hardware to the fullest.'
Hope that helps.
@voice-of-reason That's great thanks
I'll take a wee look and see what I can do
I already have a full profile for the Caravan so I can use that as a template.
For everything not mentioned there: Just have a look into my script collection on Almost every switch of the TMB 850 is handled there. In case of missing ones just leave a comment.