"Screens" not working (GNS530/530 and radar) - Bonanza and Caravan
Hello there, everyone!
For the last couple of days I've had a very strange problem. I've been flying the Bonanza almost non-stop for weeks because I love it so much! But a few days ago I loaded it up for a new flight. First thing I barely noticed but it did nag the back of my mind is that the radar screen was on (with no power to the plane) with a message "No radar transmitter receiver found" and "Self test in progress". I went through the usual engine start, and when I flipped on the switch for the avionics, they all came to life, EXCEPT the Garmin devices. Screens are completely dead. And now I really noticed the radar screen: Stuck on the same image. The knob does nothing. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mod, and nothing.
- I have the latest WT GNS 530/430 installed - Checked that, obviously
- I loaded a different plane that uses the same mod (The Twin Otter) and there it works fine
- I loaded a flight in the Blacksquare Caravan: Same problem
- I have not installed any new mods since, and the only thing that is different is that I updated the MSFS Navigraph charts.
Attaching a screen to show how it looks. In this photo, you'll notice the plane is only on battery power. This was my umpteenth test to see if the Garmins would come to life, so please ignore that the engine is in fact not running here.
Thank you anyone who can provide some ideas on how to fix this!
EDIT: I jus noticed that the engine monitor (EDM) is off too. :(
You did not enter the AAU2 Beta correct?
I was seeing the Radar screen error message back in March and I reported in the support page. In my case the error occurred only when I restarted the flight. Support reply was they could not duplicate. When I retest today I do not see the Radar screen error message. This was clearly intermittent for me. My sense was this error was caused by some race condition in the Bksq radar code. Some people report changing the radio select switches and then returning to GNS could clear.
All of the screens you report as blank are drawn by the Javascript/html engine in the sim. It appears that somehow when starting this airplane Javascript module has crashed. This can be caused by a missing or corrupt file. Or even a file that has a name conflict with file in another mod.
So the first test I would recommend is starting with a community folder emptied of any GPS-related folders (pms50, TDS, etc).
If still giving error, I would remove everything but the bksq-aircraft-analogbaron folder. If the error continues I suggest remove/reinstall of the baron - but you have already tried that.
In the case the error is fixed with community empty, you can add back the folders you removed from community a few at a time to see which mod is causing the conflict/corruption.
If this dance with the community contents is not indicating a cause, there are debug menus and tools that MS provides to find a file that crashes.
Found the culprit. An old version of the PMS50 GTN750. So, lesson learned: Either don't install it if you don't use it (I don't, or haven't yet) or make sure you keep it updated.