Bonanza True Airspeed (TAS) Calculator Knobs
I'm more or less at the end of my rope here trying to bind the TAS calculator knobs to my hardware. I know they are the following LVARs:
LVAR:VAR_TRUEAIRSPEEDKNOB_RI can see that they are changed with a value of .005 for both increments and decrements.
No matter how hard I try with various methods in SPAD.neXt, I can't get them to work!
What am I missing here? Is there another event or variable tied into them that needs to be triggered?
OK, so Collin from SPAD.neXt helped me out a great deal and said it was actually a bug in the code that I found and provided a simple fix.
Namely, the anim_code is incorrectly assigned to an O variable (at least that's what I was told).
So, to fix it, locate the TrueAirspeed variables for both L and R in the analogbonanza.xml file and simply change the <ANIM_CODE>...</ANIM_CODE> to read <OVERRIDE_ANIM_CODE>..</OVERRIDE_ANIM_CODE> and that's that.
I also suggest changing the incremental value from .005 to at least .1 as .005 is such a small change that it barely registers and takes a long time to turn it to the value you want. I found that a value of .3 increment/decrement in SPAD.neXt to be the perfect speed.
NOW the TrueAirspeed variables will work in a binding!
Is this the same issue I currently stumble at, where I'm only able to let the knob move one way?
Edit: I think I'm able to move it one way on the Baron only, but neither direction on the Bonanza.
Black Square Black Square Developerwrote on 1 Feb 2024, 23:07 last edited by Black Square 1 Feb 2024, 23:08
I don't know why it would only move in one direction, but I fixed this a while ago, I just haven't released an update to the public yet. Sorry for the delay. If you would like to make the change one your own, it's easy. Just copy the following block of code into AnalogBonanza.xml, or AnalogBaron.xml, replacing the block that's already there. You can find the right spot by searching for: Component ID="TrueAirspeedKnob_L".
<Component ID="TrueAirspeedKnob_L" Node="TrueAirspeedKnob_L"> <UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_GT_Knob_Finite_Code"> <ANIM_CODE>(L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) 90 + 100 %</ANIM_CODE> <ANIM_NAME>TrueAirspeedKnob_L</ANIM_NAME> <ANIMCURSOR_DIR>-1.0</ANIMCURSOR_DIR> <ANIM_WRAP>TRUE</ANIM_WRAP> <WRAP>TRUE</WRAP> <ANTICLOCKWISE_CODE> (L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) 0 > if{ (L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) 0.15 - (>L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) } </ANTICLOCKWISE_CODE> <CLOCKWISE_CODE> (L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) 50 < if{ (L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) 0.15 + (>L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) } </CLOCKWISE_CODE> <COUNT>100</COUNT> <PART_ID>TrueAirspeedKnob_L</PART_ID> <TOOLTIP_TITLE></TOOLTIP_TITLE> <TOOLTIPID>True Airspeed Calculator</TOOLTIPID> </UseTemplate> </Component>
Thanks, will try, noticed that there is this block of code in the Baron right above, that's not in the Bonanza:
<!-- <Component ID="TrueAirspeedKnob_L" NODE="TrueAirspeedKnob_L"> <UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_GT_Knob_Infinite"> <ROTATION_SPEED>1</ROTATION_SPEED> <NODE_ID>TrueAirspeedKnob_L</NODE_ID> <ANIM_NAME>TrueAirspeedKnob_L</ANIM_NAME> <ANIM_CODE>(L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number)</ANIM_CODE> <ANIMCURSOR_DIR>-1.0</ANIMCURSOR_DIR> <ANTICLOCKWISE_CODE>(L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) 0.005 - (>L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number)</ANTICLOCKWISE_CODE> <CLOCKWISE_CODE>(L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number) 0.005 + (>L:var_TrueAirspeedKnob_L, number)</CLOCKWISE_CODE> <PART_ID>TrueAirspeedKnob_L</PART_ID> <TOOLTIP_TITLE></TOOLTIP_TITLE> <TOOLTIPID>True Airspeed Calculator</TOOLTIPID> </UseTemplate> </Component> -->
Works perfectly in both the Baron and Bonanza. Did not touch the code I posted above.
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