Major Issue, FPS goes to single digits after about an hour. Workaround found.
Flying the turbo baron, in VR, all is fine (about 50 fps) but after an hour, I suddenly dropped to 5 to 6 fps.
I found that turning the radar knob all the way to off restores my fps back to 50.
I then turned the radar back on and fps stayed well for a couple of minutes then back to single digits.
Turning it back off again brings my fps back to normal.
This has happened to me twice on different flights.
This does not happen all the time.
Any help from anyone would be appreciated. -
Nope. That's not supposed to happen! It certainly isn't something we've seen commonly reported, but it's very much worth investigating further.
Is there any chance you can log this through the support system, please, so we can get it investigated?
Will do, thanks
I'm having the exact same issue with the Bonanza, also after about an hour. I'll try to switch off the Radar next time this happens.
I initially thought it might be related to the TDS 750 (I bought it at the same time as the Bonanza and only used both in combination) and tried to troubleshoot with them to no avail.
Similary to you my FPS would return to normal when I switched off the avionic master and they would start to degrade again after a couple of minutes when I turned it back on. -
I use the PMS50 750 on my system. Very interesting problem.
@outermarker there is an ongoing issue with the TDS 750. Checkout their Discord and notes on processes to add to your antivirus software. If you use Norton 360 (as I did) the issue is further compounded. There may also be an issue with real weather and the TDS although I'm happy to say that changing AV provider solved my stutters.
As a note, I also had the stutters in other aircraft such as the C414
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