bonanza and caravan autopilots
Just bought the bonanza and the caravan. Having a real problem with the autopilots in both. Have tried removing all other mods, but no luck so far.
For the bonanza, the first few issues that are most annoying are:
clicking AP unit HDG button enables hdg hold, but no 'HDG' is displayed (only FD), neither on the lights above the artificial horizon, or on AP unit itself
same for NAV, APR etc. in fact only 'FD' or 'AP' ever display unless test button is pressed
mouse clicking the AP unit buttons triggers a button press animation, animation doesn't trigger when activated by, even when the mode engages
vert adjust rocker on AP unit adjusts the altitude limit when push/pull is pushed in, but doesn't do VS when pulled, should it ? It seems like it should.
I cant find event / bind for to trigger the alt/vs adjust push/pull knob's push and pull action.
Add all those things up and its basically unusable. I've no idea what mode it's in at any time.
Have similar issues with the AP unit in the analog caravan. If the bonanza gets fixed i can go and detail all those issues also.
@anderson i'm using the basic radio stack, so no gps unit. No gps mods installed either.
@sirex it looks like this was not quite true. I cleared out the community folder, but the working title mod in the marketplace was still there and needed updating. Even when not using it in the aircraft it caused the above issues. Got it working now ! :)