King air: How to map the CLIMB & DSC buttons to a controller?
I am looking to map the CLIMB and DSC AP buttons to a physical controller but not sure where to start. Do these already point to a regular keyboard command or is this a Spad.Next kind of job?
@dreamsofwings I could not find an easy key binding for CLIMB & DSC so I had to build some logic using SPAD.NEXT, below follow some examples
I use a Stream Deck to simulate the buttons
CLIMB button pressed and Indicated Altitude > 30000 => speed 120 kias
CLIMB button pressed and Indicated Altitude between 20000 and 30000 => speed 130 kias
I built the same logic for
CLIMB button pressed and Indicated Altitude between 20000 and 10000 => speed 140 kias
CLIMB button pressed and Indicated Altitude less than 10000 => speed 160 kias
For DSC there's a formula to calculate the speed
It's not simple but it works just fine!
Hope it helps you!
@anderson Hey thanks so much for that. I've never touched but I think this might have to be the moment I step up and use it. :)