Black Square C208B Altimter not syncing with MS2020
Black Square C208B altimeter is not agreeing with MS2020 altitude.
Flying PANC to PAFA
OnAir barometer was 29.00
MS2020 set to LIVE weather and METAR read 28.98
I had to set the cruise altitude at 14,500 to level off at 15,000
Then I had to descend to 2600' and to get a Radar Altimeter reading of 1900'
At the airport (altimeter still set to 29.00 per OA) MS altitude reading 1327 and BS C208B altitude reading 315, FSTramp reading 440, Navigraph chart reading 439
Also, the "Increase/Decrease Altimeter" button assignments do not move the KAP 140 barometer setting.