TDS GTN 750 King Air
How do I get the TDS to appear with the steam gauge King Air? I see in the manual that it is automatic but I have tried multiple times, reinstalled the GTN, and deleted other GPS mods and nothing has made it appear in the aircraft.
The PMS 750 doesn't show either
@petesmiffy it does - read the manual, pls
@jetnoise 1. How do you know what shows on my computer screen?
2. I have read the manual.
3. English is my first language.
4. The pms50-instrument-gtn750 folder is correctly installed in the Community folder.
5. The GTN 750 is performing correctly in all other aircraft. -
You're not the only one. The GTN's just don't appear to show up automatically even though everything is updated. Hopefully a fix comes out soon.
Hey, just saying ;-)
And you did use the switches on the very right side of the panel to change the configuration ?Oliver
Or are you using a incopatibel livery ??