Arrow III discount?
@Rich Hi Rich, thanks for the explanation. At the time, I bought the "PA-28R Arrow III & Turbo Arrow III/IV Bundle" and I do not see the discount code you mentioned and did not receive that email either, so I assume, the discount does not apply in this case?
Hi - Is there a discount available for purchases through a different online shop (other than JF)?
When the Arrow goes out to other retailers they can offer the discount to anyone that has bought the P3D version from them. Not got a date for release outside JF yet. NB, this won't apply to the Marketplace, obviously.
Does this apply also to people who bought the XP version via the Org?
There is no discount for the X-Plane version but when the Turbo releases, owners of the MSFS Arrow will get a substantial discount if they want to buy it.
Good question. MS (currently) can't do 'bought with' or 'related product' discounts - although they say it is something they are working on. The best solution we can see to that is that we'll release Arrow and Turbo (when it's ready) simultaneously on the Marketplace along with a discounted bundle for those that want both.