F28 V2 issues & suggestions so far
Hey JF !
First, thank you so much for dedicating a lot of time taking care of your addons and making great planes overall!I wanna point out a few bugs and got suggestions for the F28 v2.
♦With the first person mode in msfs2024, I would have hoped to be able to, for example, open the door from outside using the lever. Or interact with the gear, see its wear level, same for wings...etc and also fix the lack of collision with the body of the plane, indeed you can walk through the airframe. It would also be great that stars have collision so when you walk on them, you actually go up inside the plane.
♦State saving doesn't work. I tested it many times; changing things in the cockpit. Loading another flight and everything is back to default after a brief cockpit reset (likely license check).
♦Stairs handrails still stay up even when using the jetway (using GSX). If you press the platform, it resets the jetways and messes up GSX (it was the same in the V1 in msfs 2020).
♦Wipers are not working but I'd guess it's on Asobo's side and yours (?).EFB :
♦For some reason, my EFB input values keep flashing and it makes it very difficult to input numbers.
♦I got a lot of troubles inputting fuel quantity in general. Mostly using GSX (it seems impossible). And if I untick GSX usage, I struggle to click on fuel quantity box and change the value. The whole EFB seems clunky/unresponsive to mouse click, and you often have to double/triple click.
♦PLEASE, make sure that when we want to input values with the keyboard, it doesn't interact with the sim/plane. For example, using numpad, it switches camera presets. It's a simple thing that makes the experience a real struggle. Using the inbuilt keyboard on the EFB, although realistic, isn't that convenient to be honest, and I'd like to be able to use the keyboard for fast interaction.♦An option to disable auto music only, would be cool. Instead of having to delete all .mp3 files. Or make state saving include the volume knob too :) Auto cabin crew, besides this, is really a great feature !
I'm glad you managed to fix the switches not making sound on first interaction. It was really breaking immersion in the V1 !!
Hope I didn't sound rude or anything. You deserve my respect for bringing the Fokkers in the simulation and I'll be forever grateful for it !
Celti -
"I got a lot of troubles inputting fuel quantity in general. Mostly using GSX (it seems impossible)."
Can you elaborate? Because I have absolutely no problem with that and it works fine for me (as in the 146 v2 and RJ). GSX takes the data from Simbrief and I just choose to refuel the aircraft from the GSX menu and then everything is done automatically. First I import OFP though, of course.
Thanks for the feedback in this thread. Lots to go through so I'll cover several topics in bullet points below:
- MSFS 2024 native features such as interactable exterior click spots and effective windscreen wipers are intentionally not included with this V2 update. With our "MSFS 2024 Compatible" updates, we are focusing on getting all of our MSFS 2020 aircraft functional in MSFS 2024 "as is" (albeit with significant updates/upgrades as demonstrated with this F28 V2 update). MSFS 2024 native features aren't something we are comfortable exploring at this time until the simulator has time to mature over the next few Sim Updates, but we will be investigating MSFS 2024 native features in the future.
- EFB fields flashing is intentional behaviour as the flashing fields indicate a value that has not yet been loaded into the aircraft and that it can be edited. Once the boarding/refuelling has been triggered, those fields will stop flashing and will change to solid red/yellow/green colours based on the status of the boarding/refuelling process. More info on the boarding and refuelling simulation can be found from Page 17 in the F28 Professional EFB manual: https://downloads.justflight.com/products/JFF003039/F28_Professional_MSFS_EFB_v2.pdf
- There are already filters applied to the EFB fields that prevent them from triggering aircraft controls when a field is highlighted and values are being inputted via an external keyboard. If there are any specific fields and/or key inputs that you find are still triggering aircraft controls then please let us know and we can look into that further.
- I am unable to reproduce any issues with changing fuel values with GSX Handling enabled (the core EFB logic remains the same regardless of the GSX Handling option, so there shouldn't be any 'clickspot' related issues specifically linked to GSX Handling option). As above, it may be worth having a read of the boarding/refuelling section of the EFB manual just to understand what the flashing/colour of each of the fields represents.
- With GSX Handling enabled, please ensure the "Boarding Type" option is correctly set for the type of boarding that is to be completed (Jetway or Stairs). That should ensure the aircraft is correctly configured for boarding. There is also an "Auto Jetway" option on the EFB that when disabled, will prevent the jetway from automatically extending/retracting when the passenger door is converted into a jetway configuration.
- The rest of the feedback I have logged on our internal bugs/feature request trackers for our development team to look into.
Thanks again for the feedback. We're always interested in hearing constructive feedback like this!
Mark - Just Flight
Can I add another "is this accurate or a bug?" question?
I've been flying V2 of the F28 in Australia (on the old MMA/Ansett routes), so the real-world weather is hot with temperatures of 25-30deg. C.
With V2 I'm often getting TGT over-temperature warning lights on initial climb once setting the TTC switches to 'Climb', and it requires large power reductions (below 90% HP - so less than standard cruise power) to keep them off, which makes climbing very slow indeed.
Climbing to higher altitudes (so lower ambient air temps) I can gradually open the throttles to standard climb power (96.5% HP) without triggering the warning lights. But even once up at cruise altitudes, the TGTs stay quite high - at FL280-300 and outside air temperatures of -20 deg. C or less the TGTs are in or just below the yellow arc at cruise power (88-91% HP).
I never got TGT warnings on climb-out with the earlier versions of the F28, even in hot and high conditions. And I'm sure the cruise TGTs were much lower.
I did do a test flight in sub-zero ground temperatures in Sweden and even at full-power takeoffs the TGTs stayed nicely within limits.
Now, this might be a realism update for V2 and the R-R Speys don't like take-offs in the deserts of Western Australia, but I don't think the F28 would be cleared for commercial service with performance at the power settings/climb rates that are needed to keep the TGTs in limits as I've found them so far!
Can I also just say that, that one quirk aside, I'm really loving F28 V2 otherwise! It's a great update and as someone who posted here about the old version's 'nodding donkey' pitch control at low speed/low weights the update, I couldn't be happier with how V2 flies - it's an absolute joy to hand-fly in circuits now, and the autopilot (especially with the new Altitude Controller option) is rock solid in every situation I've put it in so far. Lovely job, JF!
@GroverJ41 Thanks for the kind words. The TTC effectiveness at high OATs is something that was been affected by a last-minute change before release that we didn't spot. This has already been fixed on our latest internal build and will be included in the next update to the F28 Professional.
Mark - Just Flight
I have missing speed bugs.
And on my first flight I couldn't get the left engine started. Worked this time, though. I'll update if I have the issue again.
@OwlInFlight After starting from a cold and dark state, the speed bugs can be set by clicking on the relevant section of the speed card on the first officer's main instrument panel.
Mark - Just Flight
Another triumph. All Just Flight aircraft I have are splendid - and this one does not disappoint!
Just an additional issue, if I may add one:
Specifically MSFS2024 and specifically when in VR - there is a pilot's lower torso poking through the bottom of the external fuselage view where the nose wheel doors are situated.
I have tried turning off the cockpit crew on the in-cockpit tablet and tried different versions of the F28, but this fella is in all of them - from sitting on the runway prior to take off all the way to cruising at 20,000ft and beyond.
He's not there in MSFS2020 in VR and he's not there in MSFS2024 in 2D...it is specifically MSFS2024 in VR. I'm using a Pimax Crystal Light headset. I will try also with the Quest 3 later today, but I think it is unlikely to be headset dependent.
Thanks -
Hi again. Ref the pilot hanging out of the fuselage in MSFS2024 VR, I've tried also with the Quest and it is the same there.
Just to confirm:
- It only shows in MSFS2024 in VR. When I turn back to 2D he/she vanishes
- It doesn't show in MSFS2020
- It happens with Cockpit crew option off or on
- It affects all of the versions and liveries I have used to date
Many thanks in advance if you can sort that.
@OwlInFlight I've found that the speed bugs will appear after clicking a few times. I believe it depends on exactly where you click - clicking on the column header on the speed card doesn't work, but clicking on of the actual speeds does.
@trisager Yeah, this was my experience, too -- I have to click on the actual speeds, whereas my memory seems to tell me that on V1 I could click on the column. However, I could be simply wrong, or confusing it with the behavior of the 146.
@RPGamerous The logic of the speed charts was updated at some point with the 146. In the early builds, the speed bugs would be set based on your current flap setting - so clicking on the speed card with flaps 18 would set the flap 18 takeoff or landing speeds. In later versions, a "FLIPCHART OPTIONS" option was added to the EFB, which when enabled, allows you to click on a specific speed on the speed chart to set the bugs. If that option is disabled, the logic will be reverted to the original logic where the bugs will be set based on flap position.
I believe the "FLIPCHART OPTIONS" option has been available on the F28 EFB since the initial release, but I could be wrong with that.
Mark - Just Flight
@AJZip We are aware of this issue, with and without VR. Frustratingly another MSFS 2024 quirk at the moment as the position we have set for the character is being ignored by the simulator (we actually have the 2024 character set to spawn in the toilet currently so that it is hidden and doesn't overlap with the 2020 avatars in the cockpit or stick out the side of the fuselage).
We do have another temporary workaround in place that is currently being tested by our beta team. Once this is signed off it will be included in the upcoming F28 Professional update.
Mark - Just Flight