Latest Navigraph Update for RJ - no YSSY??
Thanks for reporting this. Looking into this, it appears to be an issue affecting several airports specifically with the 2412 navdata. The same airports can be entered into the FMS with no issues using the default 2401 navdata.
We will raise this with our contacts at Navigraph to investigate further. In the meantime, the default 2401 navdata will allow you to enter airports such as YSSY into the FMS without issues. To revert to the default 2401 navdata, this will require a reinstall the RJ Professional.
Mark - Just Flight
As far as I know Navigraph fixed this some releases ago. I do not experience it with the RJ currently.
I had accidentally reinstalled the Navigraph data to the RJ a couple weeks ago, and I forgot to go double check. So just now I loaded in at YPPH Perth, which is where I first noted the issue, and ascertained that neither YPPH nor YSSY are in the database. It's a shame, because the RJ is the only fully-functional, non-bug-infested airliner I have in the sim, so I'd love to have all the navigation data loaded into it!
Edit: Thankfully, the 2020 version of the RJ doesn't have this navdata problem, so I can do all the Australia flying I want in that sim.