F28 FS2024 UNS navdata
I have just installed the FS2024 version of the F28 with Navigraph data via the Navigraph Hub. Again, we are seeing the same issues that the RJ has with some airports not showing any navdata. In this case it's the UNS. Have tried YSSY and YSCB. If I change the nav source to the Garmin 430, I can see all the data.
Rolled back and deleted navigraph F28 and still no data in UNS.
@cruzer-3510 You have updated the navdata via the Hub ? (Navigraph)
Same problem here. Issue also still present with the RJ.
Thanks for reporting this. This is something we have contacted Navigraph about several times since the RJ Professional release and unfortunately, we are still awaiting a response. I will check back with our team early next week to see if we received a response to our most recent message.
In the meantime, we would recommend reverting back to the default 2401 navdata that is included with the F28 Professional. This can be done by running the F28 Professional installer and selecting the "Repair" option.
Mark - Just Flight