A36 in MSFS2024
Why this did not occur to me earlier, I do not know..
I just copied the asobo g36 from the 2020 Official folder to the "Official2020\OneStore" folder, and for good measure used my Addons Linker to activate the BSQ A36 as well as my Rob Young Turbo mods..
Guess what, it all works! 🙂
While I haven't tried this myself, I would expect this to solve almost all visually apparent issues. If there are any issues stemming from changes to Working Title avionics, those will still be present. Animation issues caused by Asobo's breaking of the integer divide operator in RPN will still be present (supposedly they are going to fix that one soon...), and lastly, the failure system will definitely be unstable and possess unpredictable outcomes, as it also relies on integer divide.
Beyond those items, I'm sure the Bonanza will be quite enjoyable in MSFS 2024, and I hope you have some great flights! I just wanted to share some of the things that may not be as perfect under the hood as they might appear.
Looks like Asobo fixed something, because the A36 is now looking as good as ever..
KAPA Flyerreplied to Black Square on 13 Dec 2024, 22:40 last edited by KAPA Flyer 13 Dec 2024, 22:40
@Black-Square Any word on the Bonanza coming to Xbox for 2020 soon?
The Caravan and King Air hit a few weeks ago, I'm anticipating the Baron and Bonanza to follow soon.
They are in the pipeline, but we have heard no further information from Asobo after that. Our assumption is that they are a little overwhelmed with the MSFS 2024 release. I'll see if we can get a status update sometime soon for you.
@Black-Square Awesome! ❤️ I've honestly given up on 2024 until it's issues are sorted out.
Looking forward to them when they're released.