Unable to change cowl flaps position
I first noticed that I was unable to close them in flight as indicated by the checklist. Have done a few tests and they are stuck in the fully open postion all the time. This affects both the piston dukes and all liveries (some which I hadn't flown before so it can't be damage/failure related). The tablet also does not indicate any failures.
At startup, the cowl flaps are fully open. So, at the "Before Engine Start" checklist, at the point where the cowl flaps need to be fully open, I tried to close them (with mouse interaction with the cockpit, no key bindings). Here, I hear the sounds for the cowl flaps moving but there is no actual change in the position either on the tablet or in external view. Also, if I move the switches to "open" at this point, the sound stops (so they are still in the full open position according to the sim).
If, in flight, I move the switches to either open or closed, there is no cowl flaps movement sounds at all.
This issue started at some point in v1.0 (was working in the beginning) and has continued with v1.1. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the addon twice, no difference. I don't have any addon liveries etc. for the dukes.
Any ideas of what the issue could be?
Upon searching, there are two other reports of similar behavior on this forum, both without replies to confirm whether the problem was solved. In both cases, I suggested that a hardware binding seems to be the most logical culprit. Given that you had this problem present itself between updates, and that I have not heard about it from the Just Flight support team, or seen it anywhere else, I suspect the problem is local to your machine. What you describe is exactly how I would expect it to behave if you had a hardware axis assigned to the cowl flaps that was forcing them to a certain position regardless of what the switches in the cockpit were doing. I hope you will be able to find something like that and report back. Please let me know, and stay in touch.