Feature requests
The more state saving the better.
+100 state saving
Please start with the EFB units - I simply can't deal with freedom units and it always throws me when I glance at the fuel numbers as my SB plan is always in KG. Erry time I have to switch the flip back to the 21st century :-)
For me the biggest gain would be to save the fuel state. If I try to fly multiple legs on one tank of gas, I have to approximate the remain fuel, often up to 5 gallons off because of how the EFB fills the tanks.
Plus one on the state saving.. Especially light settings and fuel state is driving me nuts.
apart from that, a windshield fogging simulation would be cool, especially as the cabin temp is so well modeled.
Not only if could fog from the inside, but also on the outside if you descend with a cold soaked windshield into warm, moistureous air. It will soon become a habit to turn on the windshield heat before the descend.. -
Add me to the list of state savings but comparing it to the Comanches state savings might not be the best bc Accusim runs outside of the sim where BS runs inside so they might be limited to what can be done.
Further down the road, It would be nice to have oil management available. The need to change the oil & filters and planes burn oil so oil levels as well as the already included oil coloring to show age/usage. If this is already available, I havent gotten that far to discover it yet so just going off of the tutorial/intro videos.
Out of the gate I'm loving everything about both versions and am starting to dive into memorizing the key parts of the Dukes that a RL plane owner would know or want to know without looking it up.
@seipp I am sure someone will post a mod on Flightsim.To soon. It is early days with much more to come. CG
It would be good if the Duke's get the cooling down tick sounds after we shut down the engines like your Baron has. (I haven't flown the piston Duke yet so that may already have it).
Another couple of small ideas that might be easy to implement in a future update:
- Add the total payload value on the tablet
- Allow more granular changes on the weights (both fuel + payload)
I often fly cargo with Air Hauler 2 and it's useful to be able to see my total payload so I don't have to add up all the weights in each seat. Being able to set it more precisely would be nice, but not essential.
Hey all. I'd like to second the requests for custom headphone / noise canceling simulation. I like the ideas mentioned to avoid blocking the OAT gauge. I'd like custom sounds though because the default method leads to a really annoying sound imo with the turbine duke.
My main addition to this thread though is to request a clickspot to hide the throttle/prop/condition levers. The 414 has this and with the Duke it would make it much easier to read the oil gauges. As is I have to slew the camera to check the right oil gauge (in the turbine) which is a bit annoying.
@lucaseowen said in Feature requests:
clickspot to hide the throttle/prop/condition levers
Click below the propeller levers, above the autopilot panel :)
@Black-Square Amazing! Thanks for the response!
@Kilstorm I really like your wishes. I really want to see it in duke.
Wondering if the in game navigraph app could be added to the tablet in the duke. I use my plates a lot on the GTN750 and I also have the navigraph window minimized usually to use in the sim but I think it would be cool to have the Navigraph app on the tablet. I know the HPG H145 has implemented this it would also be nice to see an active checklist similar to the one that is used in the Hotstart Challenger for Xplane.
Copied from somewhere else I posted about this recently:
As for Navigraph, I had a conversation with them at Flight Sim Expo this summer. I was expecting that they would have a generic interface package to make integration with EFB's easy, but I was surprised to discover that they do not. Instead, every EFB developer must create their own Navigraph interface that takes user input, requests the documents from their server, and displays them to the user. While this is not something completely outside of my talents, it's not over the bullseye either. It's something on my radar, but I don't want to make any promises.
Thanks for the reply. Understood! Another request I would suggest is possible a glass cockpit with the G3X or maybe a panel with G5 stack so that we could get some of the additional benefits that are available with the GTN750NXi? I know you primarily do analog cockpits and that’s why I like your aircraft but it might be regressing to have either of these options available in the Duke!