NAV mode issue with KLN-90B
I've been flying the Piston Duke around, default livery 70s, with the KLN-90B, but I've been VFR so I pulled the power switch on the KLN because I wasn't going to use it. Tried to track SFD radial 270 in VLOC HSI mode with the source set to NAV 1, and it just did left hand orbits. This is a behaviour I notice with the default AP too. Also, the attitude mode levels off, then starts climbing again when the c-chord sound plays.
Idk. It's becoming annoying but isn't common. Anyone got any ideas?
You can select an avionics package that only has the two KX155's without any GPS. That is also the only way the KNS81 will work with the NAV mode for the autopilot. Not sure if pulling the power from the KLN90B would have anything to do with the behavior you are describing.
@DrZGard That's incorrect - the AP/HSI Source button in the top left of the main panel can switch between GPS and VLOC source - it's how you fly an ILS as well. This worked perfectly with the original version, the latest update has seriously bugged out the aircraft for me.
@SomeoneCalledRay I just did a test flight out of Quillayute (KUIL) with the Piston Duke KLN90B direct to the Tatoosh (TOU) VOR, tuned both KX155's to 112.2 verifying needle deviation and was able to switch between GPS and VLOC and drive the autopilot first with the GPS signal, then with the NAV radio with the KLN90B on or off. I changed the panel configuration to no GPS and tuned 112.2 on the KNS81 VOR mode and the upper left button now will switch between VLOC and RNAV instead of GPS mode (you do have to still switch the other RNAV switch for driving the HSI for this to work) and was also able to get the autopilot to track inbound to the TOU VOR station. Not sure what you and I are doing different but it is working on my installation.
@DrZGard I've reinstalled the previous update (the initial version, before the update) and this issue has disappeared. Odd haha.