Bug with fuel totals?
@Black-Square I see, makes sense. Maybe there should be a note about this in the manual because the manual states you can use both methods to handle the loading of fuel/weight but it doesn't mention anything about the discrepancy.
In any case, Shouldn't the total shown on the tablet correspond to the sum of both tank values as shown on the tablet too?
It's very likely that I used the native SimVars for the total fuel weight in some places without thinking about this discrepancy. In fact, we can prove that's the case from your screenshot:
1,772 * (6.00/6.75) = 1,577
The best I can do for you is to remove all references to the native fuel weight value from the code for all the avionics in my aircraft, which luckily, appears to only occur in the tablets, and only in the once place you've mentioned, according to my search.
All done :) "Fuel on Board" total now matches the total of both tanks as displayed on the tablet.
Turns out there were two problems at play here, as there so often are. I had also accidentally left the flag for fuel type in the Turbine Duke's configuration files to AVGAS, so that accounts for the rest of the discrepancy with the native payload manager number. The two values should now match with 0.05%, or less than one pound for the Dukes, hopefully a negligible amount unless you're fueling up a 747.
Thanks for pointing this out! Always happy to drop what I'm doing and make a quick fix.
B Black Square referenced this topic on
@Black-Square Can you please confirm that in the flight_model.cfg file, fuel_type = 1 (AVGAS) should read = 2 (Jet-A) for the Turbine Duke. Thank you
@Black-Square said in Bug with fuel totals?:
I had also accidentally left the flag for fuel type in the Turbine Duke's configuration files to AVGAS,
You can expect that one in the next update. Fun fact: PT6 engines are happy to run on AVGAS in a pinch, though it reduces the maintenance intervals of the engine. I've seen many King Air pilots do this at smaller airports near me that don't have Jet-A.
@Black-Square I want that update sooo baaaad
That's how it is in the real aircraft. I suspect the extra fuel is in the form of a header tank in the left engine nacelle where there is a centralized fuel filler nozzle that gravity feeds to all the other tanks, though I have been unable to confirm this.