Strange Crash to Desktop
Hi, i am having great time flying with Grand duke, and i am really enjoying it. I have done several flights around the world, from Canada, Europe, Usa, South America, in general with no problems.
But there are some flights that caused crash to desktop. These flights were LFMH-LICR, ENRO-ENBN, SDIM-SBPA and SCCI-SAWH. I was using the PMS 750 paid version, and Navigraph Airac. I uninstalled the Navigraph Airac, and did all the flights again, except the SDIM-SBPA and SCCI-SAWH, and i was able to finish the flights with no problem. Today using the default MS Airac, me and a friend, we were flying SCCI-SAWH, both with Duke, default livery, MS Airac, no add-on scenery for that area or airport, PMS 750, and we both crashed (CTD) at the same point.
The route we had was : ALMIR DCT DABLI DABLI2. The crash happened just after we passed EDPAN waypoint on the STAR. We were both navigating in GPS mode, and when i crashed, my friend turned to NAV mode using the VOR and Heading, but with no luck...he also crashed at the same point as i told above.
I don't know what is wrong, but can someone try to reproduced that last flight?
Thank you.p.s. i forgot to mention that i have reinstalled the dukes after the SIM15 checking that checkbox for using the MS Beta 15.
Just finished that flight, SCCI-SAWH. I changed from PMS750 to GNS530 and 430. I didn't use the GPS for navigation, but only VLOC mode. No problems at all. Everything worked as expected. Maybe i will try it again with 530 but using the GPS for navigation.