Turbine Beta Request
Hello! I’m absolutely loving both airplanes so far! Thanks for your efforts!
I was hoping to request an optional feature with beta. Instead of the bottom 15% of your forward thrust being beta can we have an option to change it to the first 15% or so of reverse? You can keep the same beta annunciators and click sounds but the lights turn off and the click sound plays again when entering actual reverse.
This way I can have more control over when I activate beta and I can flare and land with my physical idle detent like I do other airplanes then enter beta or reverse when I’m ready for it.
Thanks for your time, hope that made sense!
This was my preferred method of implementing beta range, and how it was implemented in my first turbine aircraft. Unfortunately, users who had to hold down a button to activate reverse did not like this, and it led to claims that my aircraft had no beta range at all. Putting the beta range at the bottom of the power lever travel was substantially more difficult, though it did lead to some innovations.
I'm adding a couple more features for the sake of hardware convenience for the next update, so I will explore how easy this would be to do now that the existing system has proven reliable.
@akonnecke if you use external control software like AxisAndOhs, Spad or FSUIPC, there's nothing that a bit of scripting wouldn't solve. I could help you do that in AAO, if you have that. We'd just need to find what value of the throttle axis corresponds to idle detent, below which starts beta.
@Black-Square Thanks for the reply! Can't wait to see what you can come up with!
Hi Nick,
Just to give you lots of credit for your "15% Solution" for the Beta range. (I do not have a special software-hardware setup to create a mechanical Beta range.) Your clever idea and its implementation work very well for those of us using a "normal throttle" setup. I certainly appreciate that some simpilots would prefer additional ways to access the Beta range. And accommodating their special needs would be great. But I thought it worthwhile to insert a positive note for your current work. Thanks for your brilliant innovation. Please do keep it in place.
-M -
Thanks, Michael. I really appreciate that. I asked all my beta testers and everyone at Just Flight what the best solution was for accessing beta before I went down this road, and this definitely the "easiest" solution that we could come up with for the majority of users. The replies to my request were certainly not unanimous, though, as there seems to be no consensus on the best way to implement beta. This is definitely a scenario where I wish I could please everyone, but that seems unlikely.
Thanks for the note. I'm always listening for suggestions. It just pains me when when I'm not able to deliver a solution that works perfectly for everyone all the time.