TDS GTN650XI Not Clickable when Second GPS
I'm noticing that when I select the TDS GPS units from the tablet that only the 750XI is usable when both it and the 650XI are loaded in the airplane. The 650 shows the startup screen, but the Continue button isn't clickable. This isn't happening when I have just the 650XI along with, say, the basic radio stack. It also doesn't occur if I load up the PMS5 750.
Anyone else seeing this issue, or maybe a solution to it? Thanks!
Very strange. I've seen several other users using the configuration you describe, so it isn't a universal issue. Sometimes both of the TDS screens become unresponsive for me while working on my aircraft. I've found that just restarting the TDS app from the system tray can fix the problem most of the time.
I'll let you know if I hear anything, and please let me know if you learn anything about this yourself so that others might read it here.
Appreciate you getting back to me. I will give your suggestion a go tomorrow and see what shakes out.
I might try a reinstall as well and see what happens if restarting doesn't work.
@Black-Square I had a similar issue, but the GTN750XI was the one not clickable. I followed your advice and after restarting the TDS app it's now working fine. Thank you!