Manually set engine condition.
State saving is wildly inconsistent for me. However, is there a way to set the engine condition? If I could see what it was on my last flight, and then set it before I start a new flight (especially if that could potentially trigger some random failures), that may be a good workaround (and really make me work through my startup checklists). As it is, my plane is always at 100% when I start a flight.
Sorry that you're one of the unlucky ones with the state saving. My beta testers for the Dukes report that my new method for state saving is much more consistent for them. I'll port this backwards to my older aircraft in their next updates for the important things like engine condition.
In the meantime, yes there is a very easy way to check and set engine condition! It's contained in the L:Var "L:var_engineDamage" from 0-100. For my multiengine aircraft, just add "_L" or "_R" for the left or right engines. Let me know if you need any more help with that!