Different GPS Options Sometimes "Hit and Miss"
Just a quick question, are the GPS options hard coded into the models or is there a way, without relying on the GPS/radio selection switches, to make sure when I boot up MSFS I'm going to have the WT 530 or the TDS GTN-750 in the cockpit? The GPS selection switches have a strange habit of not remembering what GPS was selected the last flight... Even if I remove the TDS gauge folder from the community folder I'll still get the TDS bezel after creating a flight plan in the default in-game planner. When this happens the flight plan isn't loaded after switching to the 530, I have to exit, re-plan, and try again until the plane finally loads with the WT 530.
Is there a way to "pre-configure" this using an LVAR setting in one of the files or perhaps another file somewhere that "forces" one of the GPS and radio combinations to be either always the "default" or "hard coded" for the TBM?
I'm using the Steam version of MSFS.
The GPS 1/2 setup is supposed to be saved in the cloud when ending a flight properly (see manual), however the function is fragile - this has been addressed to the developer.
Having a dead TDS gauge sounds like you actually managed to save the config as designed but then removed the folder.
LVAR hard-coding appears possible, see https://community.justflight.com/topic/5626/double-the-gns-530w-three-times-the-flight-plan. I personally have decided not to go for it. I'm always using the PMS50 GTN 750 for GPS 1 which is loaded by default. GPS 2 I don't utilize and can quickly switch in the cockpit if required. Still waiting for proper panel state saving though.
Thank you for addressing this question with very accurate information. I apologize that the state saving can be inconsistent for some users. It seems to work flawlessly for some, and rarely for others, so it's been very hard to troubleshoot. Fortunately, I've made a major overhaul to the radio configuration system and it state saving for future updates and releases, so that will hopefully improve things. In the meantime, the solution suggested in the link above will effectively hardcode the radio configuration with 100% reliability.
Thanks for the link @sg_aviation and the excellent replies. I greatly appreciate the fact that Black Square is also working on the reliability of the GPS/Radio state saving.
Keep up the great work with these products, IMO NOTHING else comes close to the quality and realism I've seen in terms of none glass cockpit modern GA aircraft that Black Square has released for MSFS.