Feature Request - Hypoxia
Thank you for the amazing TBM! simply everything I wanted finally came alive :)
One feature request, which was already left open for suggestion, is the hypoxia simulation. As everything else in this aircraft that have consequences if left unmanaged.
My suggestion for functional (and hopefully easy) implementation would be:- Visual cue - maybe flash the cockpit temp red/blue lights? etc ...
- Sound feedback - the existing oxygen use sound is awesome :)
perhaps add a fast inhaling sound due to lack of oxygen? (maybe correlate inhaling speed to oxygen levels to hint severity) - Fatal / damage - Except for the Chuck Norris's pilots that don't use oxygen anyway..... once the human oxygen level is too low, fail the aircraft. A bit harsh but will keep us on our toes to avoid hypoxia. And maybe adding a failure type option as the rest of the options.
Hope this is tangible to implement and would be amazing complementary feature for this amazing package.
A reply direct from the dev for you on this one...
'I have been contemplating the right way to simulate this for over a year now... I agree with you, it's something I desperately want to do, but I haven't thought of an appealing way. Your suggestion of flashing the cabin temperature lights is probably the best one I've heard! I may end up doing exactly that! I've thought of your other two suggestions before, but the body does not actually gasp for air when feeling hypoxic, and I too thought killing the engine was too severe. I've also thought about blacking out the windows, blurring the cockpit with heat effects, and a few other ideas. Although it's the most subtle, I think I like your light idea. I will think about this and see if it's something I can do before the next update. Thanks for the ideas!'
Hope that helps.
@voice-of-reason thanks for the consideration! great news to know you are considering to add it!
I also had ideas about the possibility to to blur the vision somehow with additional transparent mesh etc...and I'm pretty sure the more realistic it is, it will be harder to implement in the current SDK capabilities so my suggestions aimed at the "low hanging fruits" based on reusing what's already implemented in the aircraft.
About breathing, from what I've read, one of the stages are rapid breathing so I thought it will be good to have another hint before the critical stage.
Last, about the failure, actually I thought about causing "aircraft overstressed" failure when biometrics crosses the threshold. This could be an optional type of failure of course. This way you really have to take immediate action depends on the severity of hypoxia. And perhaps could be used for body thermal limitation too ( certain time in extremes temperature range, at least when door closed/airborne etc).
Would be great to have that as an option to keep you even further on your toes , thanks again! -
@voice-of-reason I think a nice representation of hypoxia would be to see a blurry vision and weird blinking of several lights in the cockpit with funny numbers on displays and instruments - like hallucinations.
Maybe combined with aural hallucinations like whispering ATC voices... -
Just simply slowly greying out the whole screen would work for me. I think XPlane 11 did this. You only make this mistake once :)