L:var_EFIS_PowerSwitch not working as required
Same problem here. The problem also applies to the Fuel Selector mode switch. The switch moves to auto, but does not activate the system.
Prop deice does have the opposite problem: the light activates, but the switch does not move.The plane is full of issues like this, I hope they will fix it because I need to assign a lot of functions to my hardware.
@fabristunt I think if we could find out the circuit number for those items, we could fix it ourselves for the time being. I checked circuits 1-50 for the EFIS, but haven't been lucky so far.
@fabristunt hi mate. I have the plane operating correctly and not seeing the issues you're describing. The plane is not full of these issues. Check your bindings and control settings in the MSFS controller menu to make sure you haven't doubled up on allocations/bindings. The plane is fine.
You have to modify the var and some circuits. For AAO I have this working:
1 (L:var_EFIS_PowerSwitch, Bool)
1 (>A:CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:55, Bool)But you won't see the switch moving. Only the EFIS screens will power up.
For the fuel selector switch the code is even more complicated. This is my code to switch to auto:1 d (>L:var_AutoFuelSelectorSwitch, Bool) (>A:CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:40, bool)
(A:FUEL TANK RIGHT MAIN QUANTITY, Gallons) 9.1 < and or if{
75 (>L:var_FuelSelectorTimer, Number)
} els{
600 (>L:var_FuelSelectorTimer, Number)
} -
I uploaded a first set of scripts for the BKSQ TBM 850 to flightsim.to. Even when you're using other software you can download the scripts, unzip and open the file with a text editor of your choice. Then you can adopt the scripts to a software of your choice: spad.next, MobiFlight, ...
@knidarkness Yes, the file was "under inspection" by fs.to. It's available now.
@fabristunt In case of B-Variables that you can't access, just write a message. I'll have a look if there is another way. Should be possible fore quite a lot of switches and levers.