TBM 850 Mode & Flaps?
I'm having issues with both setting the flaps and selecting 850 mode.
I'm using the flap-lever on the honey comb throttle quadrant and use
the FLAPS_DECR and FLAP_INCR events to change the flaps.
Works fine in every aircraft, except the TBM:One click down on the flaps lever = full flaps
One click up on the flaps lever = flaps upAlso how can I engage the 850 mode?
When flaps are up and one click up on the flaps lever doesn't do anything.
Also I can't do it in the VC using the mouse...Please advise,
Egbert Drenth -
@egbert-drenth I use the flap lever on the honeycomb also and set DECREASE FLAPS and INCREASE FLAPS. Works without any problem.
When the flaps are up and I click on the flap lever in the VC it moves up to the 850 mode.
My bad....
Flaps lever had been assigned twice, both in MSFS and Spad.NextThe click on the flaps lever in the VC however is kinda tricky because most of the time it decreases the flaps instead of going up in 850 mode.
However I managed to get it in 850 mode as we speak.Thanks for your help, all is solved.
@egbert-drenth please, how did you get the 850 mode to work with a controller?
Nvm, just found this https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/released-black-square-tbm-850/607459/111
I would like information on a script about the tbm850 flaps.
Here is the script:
Flaps UP Script:
Flaps DOWN Script
If this is a script for spadnext, I don't know where to put it or how to do it.
Thanks for your help. -
@hardcat55 These are MSFS RPN Scripts and should work in many applications, include Spad next.
I use the above script in MobiFlight.
@roadrunner Thanks for the correction, I forgot about Mobiflight. I use AAO.
@HardCat55 Thank you for your reply. That's exactly what I thought. I often use spadnext to access the LVARs. But I haven't mastered writing scripts yet.