A36 Bonanza weather radar causing stutters
On longer flights, I get stutters while my fps is still high (45-50fps, with Vsync capped at 50)
CPU is only about 14% active.When I enable the FPS counter from Developer Mode I notice that apart from the usual "Limited by Main Thread" there is another message, something like "Limited by coherent GTdraw"
The problem goes away when I shut off the Weather Radar. It doesn't matter whether the weather radar is showing weather, systems or failures.Anyone else has this problem and a solution, or should I create a ticket?
@allard From the developer...
'This is a known, but extremely rare bug. My condolences that you've encountered it. We have not found anyone with the problem consistent enough to help us troubleshoot and identify the cause yet. If you think you can reproduce it consistently, and have the time to help, technical support can put you in touch with me, and we could hopefully identify the problem.'
@voice-of-reason Sofar I have these in the Bonanza on every (long) flight.
These flights are usually over 4 hours and most of the time I am doing some work while the flight is going on, checking it once in a while.
I am not entirely sure but I think I first noticed the issue when I switched to the A36TC. I don't remember having these issues with the non-turbocharged version. The flights with that aircraft were a bit shorter though.
I will try and recreate some of the flights to confirm whether that is true or not.Mostly I am using the GNS530/430 during these flights but I do have the PMS750 installed.
However, I think the cullprit is the weather radar, which is on during the flight.Before the stutters occur my framerate is stable at 50fps (vsync on). When these stutters occur the fps can also be at 50 but some of the time it jumps between 20+ and 50.
While the fps is still 50 fps, the image on the screen seems to be drawn only at 1-2 fps.
The problem immediately goes away when I shut off the weather radar.However, with the weather radar still turned off, the issue sometimes reappears after a while. When I then turn on the weather radar again, wait for a few seconds and turn the weather radar off again the problem goes away.
I will try and recreate the flights in the next days, with both the A36 and A36TC and see what happens. If the issue seems repeatable perhaps we can work out what possibly causes the issue. Usually when the cause is found the solution is already half there.
I have exactly the same issue you describe.
So, I recently build a completely new PC and had hopes it might solve the problem...did one longer flight without issues and then it started happening again after about one hour...
@gabe777 Hi gabe, unfortunately not...It's a fantastic add-on and apparently not everyone suffers from this issue but I can't do flights longer than one hour. It's really sad since the upcoming TBM 850 is one of my most anticipated add-ons in years but since it features the same gauge I won't be able to make use of it.
Hi, I tried the TBM 850 today and ran into this exact issue again. I remember I also had it in other Black Square planes, but not consistently.
The issue looks like this:
I start with the weather radar on, all is fine.
After some time extreme stuttering comes up.
I switch off the weather radar and the stuttering disappears.
I leave the weather radar off, but the stuttering comes back after 1-2 minutes.
I switch the weather radar on again and it's still stuttering.
I switch the weather radar off again and the stuttering is gone.
Until after 1-2 minutes it starts again and the whole process repeats.So, once it started I have to switch the weather radar on and off again every 1-2 minutes. Even better more often, so it doesn't even get so bad. This is a real PITA - especially if you want to fly an approach with this happening.
I can remember having this issue in the Baron, Bonanza and now the TBM, but never in the King Air or the Caravan. This is not necessarily important as it doesn't occurr consistently and I might just have been very lucky with the King Air and the Caravan. But maybe the dev can see if something has changed in regards to the weather radar between these planes.
Other that that I can only offer to help nail this down, but I wouldn't know what to do to be of any help. Maybe a video with the devmode fps counter on while it happens could help? I could also try to cycle through the steps described above - maybe something helpful for the dev comes up. I don't know, I'd just like to see this fixed and I'd also be happy to help if I can somehow.
@aspooner Can you pop me an email across and I'll get you in direct contact with the developer. He's offered to deal direct with you in a bid to get this sorted.
Email me: scott.phillips@justflight.com