BS Caravan Autopilot Terrible
ILS Approach from GPS/HDG/ Nav modes simply doesn't work.
Sort it out please.
It's such a basic AP there is no excuse.
Also, heading changes bank way too much and even at 100 kias it overshoots every time.
P.S. Your Arrow IV works perfectly as does every other GA I have with basic/KAP 140 APs.
@gabe777 A reply from the developer of the aircraft for you...
This is almost certainly an incompatibility between 3rd party GPS software versions. The PMS50 ecosystem in particular may require the additional "WTT Mode" package (available on to function with the payware version. Please make sure the Working Title GNS530/430 package is fully updated from the in-game marketplace, as well. More details are available in the manual. Black Square aircraft are designed with realistic instrument flight as a touchstone, so checking the integrity of autopilots and navigation instruments with all avionics combinations is the final check before the product is released. Hope that helps.
@voice-of-reason Almost certainly being the operative term here.
No GPS involved ....
Heading mode ... Approach Mode. Simple. It won't couple even though the AP shows both Apr and GS armed.
TBH there's no tutorial for a start. There are 2 buttons GPS/NAV and a GPS/APR switch. Never seen the latter before !
The 'manual' is far from adequate.
As much as I love the Caravan I feel like switching over to my Kodiak 100 ... more work to fly it, without blowing up the engine ) but at least it's reliable and predictable... and then binning the Caravan.
But I won't be buying another BSquare production.
@gabe777 Sorry to hear, unlike so many others, that you're not a fan of the BS add-ons. Possibly a bit pointless now but here's a reply from the developer for you...
There may not be a GPS involved, but in the software world, different software packages may still be required or interfere with each other when not in use, especially when out-of-date. Please update the GPS packages, and you can then contact support if you require any assistance while doing so. They have helped numerous people with similar issues navigate the complicated landscape of currently available GPS software to complete success. Here is a video of the KAP140 being switched from heading mode to approach mode, performing a localizer intercept. The autopilot remains in vertical speed mode until leveling off at the assigned altitude, with glideslope mode armed. Upon intercepting the glideslope, the autopilot switches to glideslope mode and begins to descend, which can be seen here.
The NAV/GPS selection push button is part of a Mid-Continent MD41-228 GPS Annunciation Control Unit, which remains very popular in older general aviation aircraft that were refitted with GPS units around the turn of the century, especially those with the Bendix/King KLN-89. This unit is even featured in several default aircraft from Asobo, including the C172. The approach mode arming button is non-functional in modern installations where GPS units automatically activate approach mode.
Thank you.
I didn't say I wasn't a fan... and I am NOT the only person complaining of bugs... so no need for the condescending attitude.
The manual is inadequate.
They have added stuff never before seen in an MSFS aircraft... (EDIT: so apparently it'si n the 172 Premium version which I didn't buy)... Like the GPS/APP button... and NOT explained its use.
Apparently it's in all 3 aircraft and no-one seems to know what it's for.
A decent tutorial would be a good idea for a start...and may help avoid confusion.
Very lazy not to include one. And that's a valid criticism.
And constantly blaming GPS units, as I alluded to, is irrelevant, as Im not using one .... 🥴
As for videos... I know how a KAP 140 works... and I can match that video with one showing the BS Caravan NOT flying a coupled ILS approach the way it should.
I'll put it on Youtube and see if anyone can see what is wrong.
@gabe777 Another reply from the developer, Nick, at Black Square, for you which hopefully might help.
Just because you are not using a GPS does not mean that this problem is not caused by a GPS addon. We have seen this exact behavior with many customers, and every single one has been resolved by managing GPS addons. Most of the GPS addons for MSFS implement their own autopilots, or try to take control of the default autopilot. The coordination of these addons required the cooperation of four different companies over several months to get right. Really urge you to follow the installation instructions for this aircraft to ensure GPS addon compatibility. Again, it does not matter whether you are using a GPS or not when you encounter this problem.
As said previously, the approach arming button on the MD41 is non-functional, as the GPS units will switch to approach mode automatically.. The GPS/VLOC mode button is only an alternative method of switching navigation modes, which can also be accomplished by pressing the CDI button on any GPS unit.
I am happy to take a look at the video you upload, link in this thread if you wish, but it may not reveal anything immediately evident. Technical support has helped many customers with this exact complaint, and it has always related to GPS addons. Please open a ticket if you're yet to do so. Thank you.
Well I'll do some more experiments to narrow down the issue.
I have the latest updates for everything including the TDS GTN 750 and Navigraph.
Annoyingly, my Arrow Turbo IV and Kodiak work fine.
A lot of posts are saying that the "sim in general" has inconsistent behaviour when it comes to ILS approaches.
I guess converting this to a gauge-based aircraft with a customised (?) KAP 140, may have introduced a degree of "pinnickerty-ness."
(....yup... just made up that word: but it seems appropriate 🤣)
I will return with my findings.