Feature Requests
Will Arrivals be eventually available in Flight plan Manager menu together with the presently available departures?
Please eliminate the 250kts & 5000ft requirement, so we can enjoy traffic at the destination with smaller/slower vintage- or ga-planes.
Thank you -
lt would be better if fshud could be supported in the future.
@starrysky Agree!
@rich that sounds better than my suggestion. I bought the program today and it works well but found the inputting of the destination a bit vague in terms of knowing if it had actually worked or not. Also it would be nice to see airports busy as we pass over them.
Is there any Chance we could be able to see arrivals in the Flight Plan Manager or a new tab to show Arrival to an Airport.
@brokenbroccoli Just curious, which is the traffic separation and awareness tool that you mentioned?
@deepsky he is probably referring to AIFlow (https://flightsim.to/file/42731/aiflow)
There should be Summer AND Winter flight plans (e.g. June and December for example)
@balzbac said in Feature Requests:
There should be Summer AND Winter flight plans (e.g. June and December for example)
All traffic addons focus on airlines which is logical but in the proces General Aviation is forgotten. There was a GA-Traffic tool for FSX or FS9 that was quite good in creating believable traffic. It had options to avoid certain airports (like major hubs) and create both IFR and VFR flights including training flights and aircraft doing touch and go's around smaller airfields.
One could choose which aircraft models to use but it would be nice if FS Traffic came with its own models of popular GA aircraft. -
Is there a preset list of upcoming models/liveries JustFlight plans on developing and an Estimated Time of Release for them?
@bpfonteyn I did not use FS traffic in my FSX days but if it supported GA there is hope Justflight will implement it at one time.
FS Traffic has a lot of freeware competition right now which is good but where it really could have an edge over these is GA. Especially since lots of simmers fly GA regularly if not mostly, the lack of believable GA traffic is very noticable. -
XBOX version please!!!
@monkeypants I doubt that's an option since FS Traffic relies on an external traffic injector.
Just the models and liveries could be added in the MS Marketplace to use with the built-in traffic module. -
@allard I suspect it would be possible, for example Vessels Global Shipping by Seafront simulations have no problem injecting their ships for Xbox since last year.
@monkeypants But these are BGL based, as is the default offline traffic.
Probably a BGL with static flightplans could be generated and used instead of the current "traffic injectors' that AIG, FSLTL and FS Traffic are using but it wouldn't be as flexible as these injectors.
it would have the advantage of being simpler for the end user (nothing to configure) and still create believable traffic in the virtual skies.