Trim speed painfully slow
I have this same issue with the warrior and the honeycomb alpha on a fresh install. The trim is so slow I thought the button was broken on the yoke. First honeycomb alpha took about 10 months to RMA door to door so I was selfishly relieved when I saw your post. Thanks for bringing this up.
The problem is with the hardware being used, see the following thread on the MSFS forum where the initial post is exactly the same but with a default aircraft/ is just not possible to configure flight model files to accommodate every type of hardware, and it is only the Honeycomb Bravo that seems to have this issue. The fix is is mentioned in that thread but it has to be for the end user to impliment - if we set the flight model files to suit the Bravo it would mess up trim for anybody not using a Bravo. If this were FSX or P3D, we would simply provide a separate file so users could switch. Unfortunately, with MSFS it is never simple and we are unable to do that for marketplace compatibility reasons.
@delta558 said in Trim speed painfully slow:
Unfortunately, with MSFS it is never simple and we are unable to do that for marketplace compatibility reasons.
The Pipers have a separate engine.cfg file for Honeycomb users (or Logitech switch panel users, in my case) to make startup with the built-in switch usable; could a similar thing not be done for trim?
@jmarkows as far as I am aware, this is only possible for products bought outside the marketplace. I'm sure there will be discussion about this but, for example, we talked about the Hawk nosewheel steering - realistic is differential braking and a free castering nosewheel but for many simmers that's difficult to control so steering was also enabled. I was told that, because of the desire to get the aircraft in the marketplace, we were unable to offer alternative cfg files and the 'switcher tool' that worked so well in P3D, so it was one or the other. We'll discuss and see what can be done.
@delta558 there is no talking about hardware input only but also trims keyboard standard buttons which all working extremly slow. In Arrow there is a button bellow yoke to changing electrical trim which work as elevator speed change of elevator. Warrior don't have that option. It takes an enormous amount of time to go from the landing trim phase to the take-off trim phase, say after go around.
Trim 20 to trim 5-10.
Is there any chance to introduce exactly the same trimmer action in Warrior as in Arrow? I have the impression that the last update, which was aimed at reducing the trim, slowed everything down cruelly. -
@petze I've found a third party software called authentikit tuning app has a preset for the honeycomb bravo trim wheel that fixes this issue completely. It works by turning the trim wheel into an axes. Then you can set the rate but the preset is very good.
@bl52002 Be very careful when using a trim axis if you are not used to using one (as such).
It will now have memory between flights, and even using the autopilot for a bit will cause a (potentially large) discontinuity between where your physical axis is and where the virtual axis is.
Hi and sorry that I'm rather late joining this thread. I would concur with others here that the trim for the Warrior is very slow to activate.
I use a Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X controller and have the POV button programmed for UP and Down trim and it does take a lot of presses (or holds for up/down) to get a response.I think that the Warrior is my main 'go to' aircraft and I really enjoy flying it - the ground handling, take-off and general flying are all good experiences with the exception of the trim.
Whilst I'm commenting, there is something else that has become a bit of a pain over the last six months and that is the nose of the aircraft seems to 'peck' up and down on a final approach. If I'm in cockpit view and sit back a little, I can see the yokes bobbing up and down slightly - even if I try to remain 'hands off' my own control stick for periods.
Not sure this was always the case? -
My trim is also extremely slow on the thrustmaster warthog also.
I can confirm this also using a CH Eclipse Yoke using the trim wheel and also the same issue with the rudder trim.
Tried deleting the button settings in MSFS and mapping them thru FSUIPC7 and still the same thing.
It’s a plus 1 for me on the extremely slow elevator trim. I am using the saitek yoke system, which has not been mentioned above. The timings for a full cycle of trim from neutral are in the realms of minutes as stated above. I’m going with unflyable
Painfully slow here too. X55
There should be 2 speeds, depending on flap state iirc but seems to go very slow.
The trim wheel is insanely slow for me as well. It's better in the Arrows. But the warrior takes minutes to trim. It's frankly unusable and I have to resort to using the mouse to move the wheel, which is an awful way to fly this plane.
This has nothing to do with hardware! I'm using the Alpha Yoke and the Warthog Throttle, but it's just as slow using keyboard num1 and num7. This really needs to get fixed.
Yeah I'm also experiencing this problem, it's only on this aircraft. Needs fixing as its unusable currently.
@seanduffy Did one flight with the 146 yesterday. There was a small update to the sim and not sure if it was lucky but the trim worked fast when i set it on the ground, didn't check too much while in the air, but it felt normal/good.
Even doing simple patterns is problematic with the trim as it is right now! Completely kills my enjoyment.
I have to use the mouse to recover from slow flight in the warrior because trimming is way too slow for me too (minute+) with either the Bravo trim wheel or the electric trim button. Of course that completely messes up your view and destabilizes the airplane.
I hope something can be done that lets everyone play nice.
@petze Replacing the existing WASM gauge with this version should get the trim speed working correctly again whilst we finish work on the rest of the update: Download Here
The WASM gauge is located in \justflight-aircraft-pa28-warrior-ii\SimObjects\Airplanes\JF_PA28_Warrior_II\panel\