Introduction to Real Taxiways
Am looking forward to this product. Thought it would be a nice addition along with the Rex ground textures and then that product disappeared from your store. Ah well, still looking forward to the taxiway improvements
Very impatiently awaiting this addon. The taxiways are so wrong in FS that I can't even use real charts. I hope this releases soon.
Can you already tell how well this addon will work with third party scenery addons?
That's certainly a question I'd need to know before buying such a product, maybe worth including in the "Features" list if there's no conflict expected. -
This looks very nice.
Do you have plans to include Class B at a later stage? It would be nice to have the upgraded signs and the ability to use ATC to access special area on those airports as well. -
Congrats on the product launch. I've been waiting for it since you announce it.
Can you clarify one thing for me before purchase? Does the in-game ATC use the updated taxiway designations, or the default? Thanks!
@derek Can you tell us if this is compatible with REX Real Global Airport Textures? If so, will they be overwritten by this addon's optional ground textures, or do the global textures sit under the ground markings? (From the pdf, it seems that in order to get the corrected ground markings, you need to have the optional textures installed and that those textures are just the ground markings which would simply lie on top of the global textures. Is that right?)
I don't use Rex, but there is this thread on Facebook:
Lux Lilia
compatible with REX textures?
· Reply · · 10 h
Hype Performance Group
Lux Lilia yes, using it with no issues - actually makes it a very great combination of products together. Airports seem so much more realistic now. -
Is it only for USA's airports or for the all world?
Product descriptions are here:
If these volumes prove popular the developers will look at doing other regions.
If these volumes prove popular the developers will look at doing other regions.
Now that is a real shame as I rarely fly into the USA. I mainly fly in the UK and throughout Europe. I would like to know the demographic of MSFS users as I bet at least 70% (at a guess) are based outside the USA.
So what is the developers scale of popular? I do find this a strange decision. If you stand by your product, you'll make it available to as many people as possible, hence including the rest of the world.
Why am I making a fuss? Well I am totally jealous of everyone in the USA. This looks absolutely awesome, and would love to have it for the UK and Europe. One of the main problems simmers have when using Vatsim are the taxiways, and markings. This could revolutionise the sim.
I hope the developers scale of popular is on the low end, and they decide to include the rest of the world. The sim needs this. I need this.
@fsbillup It's
probablysurely a ton of work to create a system that can almost completely accurately generate taxiway signs and markings. Idk how they did it but I assume they did some sort of automated scanning of airport plates to read the taxiway names. If that's the case they probably used the FAA charts since they'd be the most reliable and accurate, and probably the most standardized as well.To do other countries, they'd have to basically write brand new software to scan each and every different style of chart. To do the "rest of the world", well I wouldn't want to be the person writing the code to parse however many different types of charts that would involve.
I am biased here I suppose, as I'm in the US, and if they'd chosen to do the UK instead of US I'd be jealous too. I would like to see them create this product for other countries as well. But from a business perspective, they need to make sure it's worth it.
@fsbillup said in Introduction to Real Taxiways:
I bet at least 70% (at a guess) are based outside the USA.
Never, ever visit a casino or go to a bookies. :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
The US is a very large market for FS-related content. The developer is American and it makes sense to begin with sticking to what you know. We know the size of our US market and its potential and can therefore gauge how well a product penetrates that particular market.
This type of product is fairly 'simmer agnostic' and is not likely to have a unique geographic appeal (or lack of one). For example, it would be unwise to gauge the popularity of a snow add-on among simmers that fly in the Arabian peninsula,So, we will see from the US sales whether there is much demand for a product that modifies airport taxiways etc and take it from there.
As @vcapra1 says, you have to start somewhere. Give us some time to see how this performs and, with luck, we'll produce some more regions.
Thanks for your interest - it is appreciated.
Okay okay, when I said the rest of the world, I actually meant the UK :grinning_squinting_face: I did do a search for the player base demographic but couldn't come up with solid figures. I do remember this being discussed by Jorg in a live stream, and I think the USA was in third place. The UK was first, I think Germany was second. I say I think as I can't remember exactly.
All this aside, I understand how much hard work must have been put into this. I have never seen anything in the last 20 years of flight simming to this level of detail. It already is a game changer in my eyes. Its something that has never really been tackled before in a flight simulator, that has been universally excepted as a must have. Like ActiveSky etc. Devs have tried and failed.
All I can ask is the developers seriously consider the UK. If they did, you watch it fly off the shelves.
I have absolutely no doubts this will be hugely popular. Right I'm off to buy 20,000 copies 😁