ILS not working
I've just done two flights and the ILS system is not working with the autopilot. Using the GNS430. I have the ILS freq tuned and the course selected. Once I change the CDI setting on the 430 to VOR/LOC and enable beam and glide on the AP, the HSI bar just moves right through the final course, but the AP does not turn to intercept. Tried this with ILS 27R at KPHL and ILS 30L at KSTL. Same results.
This is not something we are able to replicate on our side. If this occurs again, could I kindly ask you to raise a support ticket via the following link:
Please include as many details as possible within the ticket so our support team can try to reproduce the issue. Information such as the airport, approach type, navdata used, simulator used and a video of the behaviour will greatly increase the chance of our support team being able to reproduce this behaviour.
Mark - Just Flight