Skid Control Not Working
I have followed the manual and also your very well-made and helpful YouTube playlist tutorials to help familiarise myself with the flows etc, yet I cannot seem to get the Skid Control to work. The test does not illuminate the annunciator (opening up the guarded switch to the left and turning OFF the system does illuminate it.
What are the prerequisites for this test to work or is there a bug here?
Try releasing the brakes before the test.
I've found this with V2 of the F28 as well - the Skid Control test works fine in the air (with the gear down as part of the pre-landing checks) but on the ground it needs 1)the aircraft to be stationary 2)the parking brake released and 3) an engine (or both) running. Then the test switch works by illuminating the light.
Using the electric pumps to pressurise the hydraulics doesn't work - it has to be 'engine-supplied' hydraulic (or electrical?) power for the system to Test properly.
Maybe that's accurate to the real-world F28, but it means you can't test the Skid Control as prompted by the provided checklists - you can only do it as part of the after start/pre-takeoff checks. Not at the gate.
I noticed that there's a mention of improved Skid Control test logic in the release notes for V2. Maybe this new procedure is right, and the earlier versions (where you could test the system without the engines running or hydraulic pressure in the systems) was incorrect. But in that case the checklists don't match the reality.
I've just played around a bit (I'm running MSFS2020 too, for the record).
I think the cause is the Chocks option on the EFB. With the F28 running on the APU (no engines running) and the Chocks in, the Skid Control Test switch doesn't work, even with the parking brake released. With the Chocks out and the Parking Brake released, the switch works - the light illuminates and you can see the pressure in the brake accumulators drop slightly each time you flick the switch.
My guess (as a non-programmer) is that the sim is getting crossed signals about the Parking Brake and the Chocks being the same thing and so it's also disabling the Skid Control test function when the Chocks are in.
That's why I could get it work when after start/pre-takeoff, because by then the Chocks have been removed.