Icing in the F28
After doing some research on the Dryden incident, I decided to load up on the runway of Dryden in the WORST possible icing effects I could possibly throw at the thing, I let it set there for about 5-10mins but didn't see any wing icing building. (I had all de ice switches turned off in the cockpit) After throttling up for a takeoff I had a very comfortable strong rotation and climbout speed.
Has anyone else managed to get the stall on rotation in icing conditions that the F28 was known for, in the sim?
I have. Yes. I just tried a flight in heavy ice. It just wouldn’t gain the speed needed for take off. I was able to lift off, but like Air Ontario, I ended up in the trees pretty quickly.
Interesting! So I heard from reports that in heavy icing the acceleration wasn't the problem on the runway, it was the second that the pilot pulled back on the stick to rotate and immediately the layer of ice on the wing caused no lift to happen, and then the aircraft flipped out and crashed uncontrollably. So as far as I'm aware we should be able to see fairly normal acceleration, but on rotation, literally no lift and horrible wing stalls.