Black Square Updates for MSFS2024
thanks for sharing this
@Black-Square Hello can You please release this version ? I'm sure, you have some updates ready :)
Did you wonder about paralel release for MSFS24, thanks! -
Hi, It's been more than 2 months since MSFS 2024 released. We were promised a free compatible version of the Dukes. I know there were some showstoppers at the beginning. Are they still present? Why is there still no officially compatible version for 2024?
@meurkel Probably because MSFS 2024 is FUBAR right now and any attempt to release an official supported version is a waste of everyone's time. Drop the duke in the 2024 community folder and see if it works for you.
And where did the dev ever promise we would get a free official 2024 compatible version of any BSQ addons? -
I cannot wait for the update , black square has the best planes.
Will the Starship come to 2020? Any other 2020 updates? I realize the trend will move to 2024 over time, but for now the newer sim is troublesome and unstable. Also, will the King Air be brought to 2024? I know a lot of users want a King Air update. You have a lot of Black Square fans in the V1 Simulations Discord, including myself. We're currently doing a Duke tour:
Nvm, I see where the Starship will be released on both. Excellent news! I'm waiting for 2024 to become stable before I switch, so I'm glad to pay a smaller fee for both sims on any developed/updated aircraft.
Looking forward to the professional versions of the Caravan, Baron and Bonanza.
Just hoping the flightmodels also get a "professional" upgrade. These seemed to have been taken over from the default planes with some small tweaks. Especially with the single engine planes like the caravan who lack some proper engine torque (just take a look at the SWS Kodiak 100).
With all the features added and hopefully Career mode added in the future i would happily pay full price again for these addons.
André -
Of course, Black Square would be the one to pull off the insanity that is a PT6'd Bonanza. 🤣
Thanks for making them for 2020 as well. I honestly can't wait to throw my wallet at you again.
How is it with the TBM 850 and the Dukes, still a long way to go for official 2024 versions?
Hi All,
I just wanted to give you a quick update to say that I have been finally working hard on MSFS 2024 compatibility and new MSFS 2024 features for my existing standalone aircraft and upcoming releases. I am hoping to have them ready to coincide with the marketplace arriving in MSFS 2024, but I also have some travel coming up during the same window. All of those aircraft are now MSFS 2024 ready, with the exception of one issue that may be out of my control. I was hoping the custom exterior registration system would be fixed in SU1, but since that didn't come to pass, have started trying to raise the issue with Asobo myself. I can get the exterior registration to work consistently, so long as you do not preview the aircraft in the aircraft selection configurator menu, which leads me to believe this is a simulator problem, as opposed to a model/materials problem.
Thank you all for being patient with us developers as we work through these MSFS 2024 compatibility issues. It's been very hard to predict which issues would be fixed quickly by Asobo, and which have required us to create our own solutions. Luckily, the issue I mention above, along with small differences in how materials and lights are rendered between the two simulators, seem to be all that remains for my aircraft.
Thank you!
Nick C. -
Thanks for your had work! I'm happy to be one of the lucky folks who has the Turbine Duke, TBM, and Caravan working quite well in 2024 -- but looking forward to compatibility updates as well as the Professional series!
@Black-Square Great news, personally the two feature I'm hoping most for, except for developer-certified compatibility, are updates to the new hardware binding system in MSFS2024 (with all buttons and knobs being bindable and animated) and also rerouting to the new ´24 versions of the GNS'es.
Is this something we can expect for the first round of updates to '24?
@GunStrauss I'm glad you're looking forward to it. All avionics options will be updated to their latest MSFS 2024 versions, including the GNS 530/430. Unfortunately, I don't know what this new hardware binding system is that you're referring to. If you give me some information, I can look into it.