Black Square Updates for MSFS2024
My standalone aircraft will be updated for MSFS 2024 compatibility (to the best standard I can offer with what Asobo has provided to us developers) for free. Now that some of the most important bugs are sorted out of 2024, I would like to get to this soon.
The Steam Gauge Overhaul (Analog) aircraft, unfortunately, do not have a path forward in 2024 as a complete product. This is due to changes in the default aircraft 3D models, model architecture, encryption, package version recognition, and sound system. I am creating new products for MSFS 2020 and 2024 for all the Steam Gauge Overhaul aircraft as standalone models, and up to the standards of the Duke, TBM, and Starship, including new features that roughly double the code complexity of the aircraft. These will be sold as separate products, with a discount for existing owners of the corresponding MSFS 2020 aircraft.
In the meantime, a few users have posted that you can enjoy the Steam Gauge Overhaul aircraft in MSFS 2024 by simply copying the base default aircraft from your MSFS 2020 "Official" package folder into the MSFS 2024 community folder. While this is not something I can officially endorse at this moment, it sounds like it's possible, and it's free! Let me know if you have any other questions!
@Black-Square It's great news :) please consider adding the much-awaited headphone simulation button. Maybe in msfs2024 the fuel mixture issue in Duke, which was raised some time ago, will be possible to solve as well? It's the issue that during leaning the mixture the fuel consumption increased for a moment and then returned to the correct values and other minor bugs :)
Thank You. -
Headphone simulation will be included in the same fashion as it was for the last Duke update (clickable headphone jack with mouse wheel to adjust noise cancellation). The fuel flow correction is high on my list of features to investigate, but introducing those configuration edits causes such wild changes to the fuel flow as to completely invalidate my current performance tuning, charts in the manual, and possibly my engine monitor with lean assist. As I usually do, I explore these new features with new aircraft, and if they work well, I port them back to my existing fleet. I suspect the Commander 114 will be my playground for the fuel flow changes, and then I will see what I can do from there.
Oh, I'm sorry. I just checked my release notes, and I haven't released that update to the public yet. I can lose track between my 9 publicly available aircraft and the 5 others I have in development.
@Black-Square Any news on when you'll send us your first officially 24' supported aircraft?
@Black-Square Hardly surprising with everything you've got going on!!
Thanks for the reply
Do you have plans for any visual updates to the Velocity XL in the future (textures, 3D model)?
I have the Caravan analog mod. I've copied the 2020 Caravan files to 2024 community folder and can load the 2020 version. I tried to install Install_BKSQ_Caravan_MSFS_0.1.5.exe, but get the error that MSFS flight simulator not detected, UserCfg.opt file not found.
What else to I need to do to install the mod? -
You need to move the files in the 2020 official folder for the caravan to your community folder in MSFS 2024 and it should work.
@Paulvanuf The Baron is not part of the base package in 2020, and as such has encrypted files.. That appears to be the stumbling block.
@Vinyl-Rabbit Even better is to copy the 2020 asobo caravan files to the 2024 "Official2020" folder. The BSQ files go into the Community folder as before.
@Bert-Pieke I heard that if you zip the encrypted files you can move the zipped file out of the folder. Then unzip em and place them in the appropriate community within FS2024. Not that I recommend doing that.
thanks for sharing this
@Black-Square Hello can You please release this version ? I'm sure, you have some updates ready :)
Did you wonder about paralel release for MSFS24, thanks! -
Hi, It's been more than 2 months since MSFS 2024 released. We were promised a free compatible version of the Dukes. I know there were some showstoppers at the beginning. Are they still present? Why is there still no officially compatible version for 2024?