2024 ND + GNLU Blank Screens
Update. Can confirm after doing what @whitakerjl did i also have sucess now. I just started flights with all variants on runway. After all three did their own first load afterwards the issue was resolved.
@justinm-msfs intermittent for me. After closing simulator and restarting the screens were blank again. Had to reload the aircraft to get screens.
Yeah It has to do something with cold start option. Displays only show up when you start on runway with everything running.
First of all, thank you JF for bringing us the RJ100 to FS24. Oh how I have missed this aircraft!
I am having the same issue (if we're talking about the two displays immediately in front of the pilots). My screens remain off when I turn on the aircraft's power and electrics, if I am starting Cold and Dark at the gate.
The only way I have found around this if I want to start C&D at the gate is to start the aircraft up as usual, but when I am ready to taxi I select READY FOR TO in the tablet, which then turns on the remaining systems, i.e., the primary displays.
Edit: I did reboot the game but that did not resolve the issue either. As mentioned above the only way to get the screens on when starting cold and dark was to select READY FOR TO in the tablet.
I'll try again tomorrow when I plan to make another flight.
Inconsistencies with the WASM compiling are something we have listed in our "RJ Professional - MSFS 2024 Known Issues" FAQ (point 1): https://support.justflight.com/en/support/solutions/articles/17000143831-rj-professional-msfs-2024-known-issues
From our testing, this will likely be apparent until the WASM gauge has successfully compiled, usually after a second load of the aircraft. The most efficient way of ensuring the WASM file compiles successfully is:
- Install the RJ Professional (MSFS 2024)
- Load a flight in one of the RJ variants on the runway. You'll likely notice that the engines will shut down immediately and/or the IRS's will not be aligned.
- Return to the MSFS 2024 Main Menu and select a different RJ variant (if you first loaded in the RJ70, load into the RJ85 on this second flight).
- Load this second flight on the runway again and the RJ should load in with a "Ready For Takeoff" state.
Alternatively, simply restarting MSFS 2024 after the very first load in the RJ should also resolve this issue the next time the simulator launches.
Once the WASM gauge has successfully compiled, all future flights should load without issues, however, this process may be required every time the product is reinstalled/updated (or may not be required at all depending on future MSFS 2024 patches/sim updates or if we can find a more reliable method).
If you continue to have issues with the RJ refusing to load in MSFS 2024, please open a ticket with our support team via the following link and we can investigate this further: https://www.justflight.com/support
Mark - Just Flight
For those who are saying they are starting with blank screens. Are you forgetting to flick the EFIS1 & 2 switches to ON? I started with blanks screens and then remembered these two switches. When I turned them on the panels came alive.
I did all the steps but to no avail. Both FMC and the lower screen remain blank. Irrelevant if cold and dark, on runway, changing RJ or uninstalling and re-install.
@Godwisper Please contact our support team: https://community.justflight.com/topic/7105/product-support
@Godwisper same for me. the RJ 70 works fine though for me just the 85 and 100 that doesnt
I tried everything i could yesterday, followed the steps in the FAQ, tried clearing the appdata folder, did the reinstall multiple times and had mixed results each time. On the last test, everything seemed to be working, then i updated NavData from the NavigraphHub and installed FSUIPC7 back into its folder and it didnt work again, so i guess ill try uninstalling those two things now to see if it comes back.
It seems like the steps above in the faq work but then when you load in cold and dark it doesnt work again for the majority of time, and reinstalling the aircraft doesnt help, where are the files kept so we can delete them and try again?
I gave up and bought this morning. Hope it gets fixed soon :/
Worked only twice and while on the runway. Tried cold and dark and again nothing neither on runway. If developers got this working is it an incompatible third party app that is conflicting ? I don’t think update came out without checking as aircraft is unflyable on ms2024 as this is not a GA aircraft :)
I removed msfs2020 as I fly only in VR and it is working well with new sim and the PCL.
I think it is the navigraph update that messes the panels. With the nav cycle uninstalled the panels working well.
I am going to try that here in a few, because during my messing around after the install it was working and then once i updated navigraph thinking it was all good it stopped working, maybe you are right
@Martyn Started up a flight cold and dark on the ramp, powered aircraft on, no FMC. Uninstalled navigraph airac data through navigraphhub under 24 tab, relaunched simulator, power on aircraft, FMC came on at appropriate time.
Here is the kicker though, i exited, reinstalled the airac, repeated the process and the FMC came on.
I would call that inconclusive for now. -
I am running into this as well. Updating Navigraph, no FMS. Remove Navigraph fro Hub, the FMS works. However, unlike Serge, reinstalling Navigraph gave me a blank FMS.
I was trying to fly out of Paro (VQPR) and without Navigraph it doesn't seem to have it in the database.
MSFS24 really does seem to have a lot of little weird issues interacting with some things.
@Martyn I've done some tests and was able to replicate the above.
- Fresh install with shipped NavData everything works.
- Switch to Navigraph and the Nav displays and FMC don't load.
- Revert back to shipped data and it's all good.
- Reinstall NavData from hub and they don't load again
- Deleted the files from the WASM folder except the work folder, when reloading a flight cold and dark from a gate everything came to life as expected with the updated NavData
- Quit to desktop and reload the sim to the same state, cold & dark at a gate no longer working
- Repeated no. 5 and it's working