Occasionally, on startup, engine gauges only partially turn on or sometimes not at all
I'm not sure if it's related to the most recent update, but I've not experienced this issue prior and I've now seen it twice in 10 flights or so.
During startup and powering on the aircraft, the engine gauges are not turning on as expected. The first time I saw this happen, none of them turned on, the second time I saw this happen, the decimal place of the N1 gauges displayed, but nothing else. (See screenshot).
The gauges remain like this, either partially on or not at all, throughout the entire start-up process (turning on the batteries, various instruments, APU, lights, etc). The engines seemed to start normally despite nothing being shown on the gauges. Clicking the "Ready for TO" config shortcut in the EFB also didn't resolve it. I just had to restart the flight and start over.
Could I be clicking something accidentally, forgetting to do something, has a process been refined since the update that I'm not aware of? As far as I can tell I'm following the exact same process flow, both when it usually works as expected and also the occasional times now where it doesn't work.
I’ve had the same issue happen with the v1.1 update.
Restarting the flight was the only way to resolve the issue. -
Just had the same happen here. Confused the hell out of me. Love MSFS but damn it is so buggy... I had the HSI spinning on the F28 the other day and now this today...
At least it's something that you'll notice early and can just restart, better than something that goes wrong mid-flight after you sunk in a lot of time. So for now, a minor nuisance.
Had this too. Not quite sure but it may occur when you startup the aircraft in a specific order (batts, ext power, avionics…). I‘m not sure at the moment, have to run more tests.
Hi all,
This isn't something we are able to replicate on our side. Could we ask if you possibly have State Saving enabled on the EFB? As it may be possible to confuse the state saving logic if the product is updated with state saving enabled, as the previous state may be impossible to load now with the changes in the update.
If you do have state saving enabled, try disabling it and then restarting the flight. If that works, then you can reenable state saving again and continue using it as normal.
Mark - Just Flight
I have state saving NOT enabled.
I suppose it has something to do with startup sequence, for example batteries, then avionics and then external power - in a rapid sequence - something in this direction. I had this 2 times where I didnt follow the correct procedures, because I only powered it quickly on for some other tests. So as I said, I have to perform more tests to possibly find a pattern there.
@Mark I too am not using state saving.
I think I might have more information for you. One of the two times. I've had this happen, I know for certain that I started up the flight BUT I left the aircraft in a cold/dark state (not touching anything) and just left the sim running for 20-30mins as I had to step away. The sim was running the entire time, I did not pause or exit into a menu.
So, given the suspicion that this might be the trigger, I just did the same thing this morning. I started up a new flight. I left the sim running and the aircraft parked, cold and dark for 30mins (I did 30 just to be certain, perhaps 15mins could work, or even less?).
At which point I selected battery 1 > battery 2 > L Inner Pump > APU Gen On > Apu Start. At no point did any of the gauges illuminate.
I've also had this exact issue on the last 7 of 10 flights since update 1.1.
Before 1.1, I did about 30 flights using a mix of the RJ70, 85 & 100 and never experienced this.
The only way I've found to correct it, as mentioned above, is to restart the flight. Sometimes I've had to restart 2-3 times before they would work, as well.For reference:
- I do not have state saving enabled.
- All flights start in the "Cold & Dark" state.
- Before starting the aircraft I will do a Simbrief import/download on the EFB, and import on the aircraft page for fuel/pax/weights.
- 95% of the time I will also manually add a small amount of additional fuel (15-20kg) on top of the imported fuel amount for my increased APU running time since I fly a lot in northern Canada and it's freaking cold up here now and the APU is running during the entire aircraft setup for cabin/cockpit heating, etc.
- Then I begin my startup sequence as usual, batteries, GPU, L Inner, APU and so forth following the checklist order.
I have no idea if any of the above is useful in recreating or debugging but I thought I'd mention it.
I encounter the same issue and like to give some additional information to narrow down the cause of the issue.
I started a cold and dark flight (no state saving) in the RJ85 BRA.SE / SE-DJO livery at ENGM gate 22 (Aerosoft most recent version). Before doing anything else I switched on batteries 1 and 2 (Honeycomb Alpha XP switches 13 and 15, battery1/2_set via SPAD.neXt). I don't know how to upload a screen print but on all 4 Primary Engine Display panels only the TGT and N2 indicators light up partialy (only the numeric values and the pointers (at zero) are lit). The rest stays dark with fuel quantity indicators show "----".I almost forgot to mention that I'm impressed by the quality of this add-on. It looks fantastic and - though I'm not a pilot - it feels great and this is one of my very few favourite planes. I also "fly" the 146 and I must say the RJ is a big step up. My sincere compliments to the development team at Just Flight!
If it were the real world aircraft I would ask if, AVIONICS switches are both ON, and if BUS TIE, SBY GEN and SBY INV switches are in the correct position? Also, GROUND SERVICES and start power switches both OFF?
@Driver-Airframes I've been turning on the avionics after the APU, however when it does work and they illuminate, I seem to recall them coming on without having to turn on the avionic switches. The BUS TIE is in the AUTO positions, the SBY GEN and INV are in the ARM, as they are by default when it first loads. The GROUND SERVICES and START POWER are OFF
I've ran a few more "tests" and it still seems like the reliable way to make this happen is to just leave the sim running and the airplane in the cold and dark state for an extended period of time. When I do that, it happens every time, it seems. 3 for 3 so far.
Good man. It must be a software issue then.
I must set right my earlier post about encountering this issue. In an attempt to better define the exact circumstances in which this issue occurs, I discovered that powering up the aircraft by switching on batteries 1 and 2 makes the EGT and N1 indicators light up initially.
When after that either the APU generator or external power comes online, all other indicators on the PED's come alive. I guess this must be normal behaviour. I searched for this in the manual, but couldn't find a confirmation for it.
I didn't have any of the above issues so far.I apologize for any confusion that I may have caused.
Ran into the same issue. Both BATT on, started APU and somewhere along the line the PED stopped working.
Same here in v1.2 and powering up loading TURNAROUND state. Resolved only after restarting flight, then loading TURNAROUND state twice.
I can confirm the same experience. The workaround for me is restarting and activating turnaround state on the efb 2 or 3 times until the engine displays show as normal
Had exactly the same happen to me on my first flight (MSFS2020) (bought the aircraft today)... no engine guages... had to restart the flight... but when it works, what a beautiful aircraft...