HSI needle GPS issue
The HSI needle is not aligning with the magenta line when the CDI is set to GPS. The deviation indicator works fine, but the needle remains in whatever position it was set manually. OBS mode is not active. The needle works properly when the CDI is set to NAV mode.
I have tested both the built-in GPS and PMS50 with the same negative result. I’ve also removed all other addons from the community folder, but there’s been no change. I know how the system should function from real-world experience.
I’ve tried another aircraft with an HSI instead of a DI (add-on Grob G115E, where an analog HSI replaces the DI, which is quite rare) using PMS50, and the needle works fine. This suggests the issue isn’t with the simulator but seems to be a problem specific to Just Flight’s PA28.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there a known way to fix it?
K. -
This appears to be the same issue described here: https://community.justflight.com/topic/5503/hsi-gps-mode-not-working/9?_=1732622244363
I have already installed the latest version of all official packages. I have tried removing the Working Title official packages, but they are automatically re-downloaded when I start the game.