Landing the RJ70
Are there any tips I can glean to landing the RJ70 variant without bouncing? I have flown the 85 and 100, both seem to touchdown just fine. I feel they're a little sensitive to the flare, but my flights in the 70 always end up a mess on touchdown. I certainly don't feel as though I'm going to fast, but if I flare too much I float. ??
Do you extend the air brake at around 100-200 feet RA?
Higher than normal landing speed will make you bounce. Experiment with full flaps, full air brakes, and minimum landing speed based on gross weight. You'll find yourself in a slightly high nose attitude, with some thrust, so that at 20 feet you simply reduce thrust to idle and the plane will touch down nicely.
I was under the impression you extend the air-brake over the threshold? I read the brake extension depends on speed as you are closing in on the threshold. Last night, per the placard, I was given 117 vRef. Over the threshold I was at about 119-120. I extended the brake and continued into the flare. My guess is that the speed was 113-115 on touchdown.
I gotta return to work now, and tonight I wanted to check out the new Fenix update. I'll jump into the RJ when I'm free from work at the end of the week. Thanks :)
The exact instruction from the FCOM is "when landing is assured", unless you are doing an autoland in which case you extend the air brake no later than 500 ft RA.
"100-200" feet could also be 50 ft.
I just wanted to make sure that you extended the air brake in the air and not after touchdown. -
Yes, I'm extending the brake in the air, but closer to the threshold than 200 feet AGL. More like 50-70 feet. Usually when the copilot commands it.
Wait, the "copilot commands it"? Since when? I never get that command.
I think you can turn the copilot voice off, and I've done a couple flights that didn't have it for some reason. However, he gives you a few things, like "thrust set" "V1, Rotate", "Positive rate, gear up". Also "Localizer capture" and maybe glideslope alive, plus a speed brake callout coming into the threshold. He says something on touchdown too. You get some speed checks flaps commands too. I don't know if something has to be set just right to work, or if it's just a setting in the EFB. It's helpful when you're busy trying to manage all the systems.
With Auto Throttle (A/T) engaged, normal approach flap 33, flown at Vref +5Kts from 1,000 above r/w, airbrake selected our at 100-200ft RA but absolutely by time of crossing the r/w threshold, A/T reduces thrust at 50ft RA, a/c should touchdown at Vref -5Kts, pitch attitude should not exceed +7* (tail strike a very real risk on the RJ-100 if more than this. Without A/T you should aim for the same profile.