Entering / Exit holding pattern
Having done several test flights, it seems to me that entering/exiting a holding pattern is only possible when FMS 1 is used.
When a holding is inserted via FMS 2, it does show up on the legs page, but the RJ does not enter the holding, but continues to the next waypoint.
The same for exiting. If FMS 2 is used to exit the holding and executed, the RJ keeps flying the holding pattern.
Entering and exiting a holding with FMS 1 works fine for me. Anyone else noticed this too ? -
@Mark I did some more "holding flights" and it definitely needs investigation.
-Often i notice that the RJ is turning first a bit in the wrong direction before entering the holding pattern. Example entering the KERKY holding at Brussels
-Entering a holding pattern from a direction different from the inbound track seems impossible with LNAV. I manage to enter the holding pattern only with HDG select until the RJ is more or less on the standard inbound track, thereafter switching to LNAV is ok.
-Unable to exit the holding using FMS2.
-The holding pattern might be flown more accurate too i feel. The RJ should correct wind effects more precise.
-Clicking NEXT HOLD deletes the waypoints on the legs page between present position and the next holding fix. Shouldn't it just add a next holding to the legs page ?Flying the RJ is wonderful, congratulations to the developing team