Bravo throttles - no movement
Hi all,
Got the Bravo quadrant set up through SPAD.neXt. I used the 146 profile which works perfectly for everything except the throttles. They won't move. They are not in the lock position because the engine is running. They are not auto-locked because I can move them with the mouse. I looked at the throttle problems FAQ, but my JF_RJ.ini settings are correct per the suggested settings for the Bravo.
I tried creating a new profile and assigning a standard throttle axis (both with and without reverse), but it didn't work.
I tried shutting SPAD down and assigning a standard axis in MSFS, but that didn't work either.
All other axes (spoilers/flaps) work fine, it's just the throttles. Any idea what might be going on?
Thanks in advance!
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In SpadNext, I am using PED_MID_Eng1_throttle_drag_VC1 as the variable for engine 1, for example. It’s working just fine