Weather Radar not working after updating to v0.2.1
For me it is vice versa... It did not boot up before 0.2.1,but now it works every time.
We are aware of a temperamental bug that can sometimes cause the weather radar to get stuck on one page (or get stuck in an OFF state) and it is something our weather radar developer is looking into. It's proving a tricky one to track down as we have experienced it on our end, but we haven't yet been able to find reliable steps to reproduce it. We hope to have a fix included in the next update to the 146.
Mark - Just Flight
We intentionally disabled the weather radar in the 146 v0.2.0 update on Xbox whilst we track down and fix a micro stutter issue. We felt this was the best temporary solution that allowed Xbox users to enjoy the 146 V2 update without the stutter, rather than using the 146 with the stutter.
Once we have a fix in place for the micro stutter issue, we will re-enable the weather radar on the Xbox build.
Mark - Just Flight
We have a fix developed for the Weather Radar related micro-stutter issue on Xbox and this is awaiting the next update cycle for the aircraft.
The next update to the 146 Professional is currently scheduled for after our RJ Professional releases, and this will include the Weather Radar fix (including reenabling it on Xbox) as well as bringing across other improvements that we developed for the RJ.
Mark - Just Flight
Hi, I have the issue as well - even after the latest update - that that the Radar is stuck in the off position. It happens across all variants of the 146 in nearly every flight.