Velocity XL and new G3X coming in SU-15
Forgive me if this has already been asked but I could not find it if it has. I am on SU-15 beta and notice the Velocity XL is not using the new G3X model coming in SU-15. I assume it will be supported at some point, perhaps after SU-15 has been officially released. Any information on this? Thanks in advance for the info.
I have to make a lot of updates to my older aircraft after releasing the Dukes, and I want to get the Velocity on the Marketplace, so I will add this at the same time. I'm glad to hear that there are still those interested in the Velocity after my more recent aircraft! She's no Duke, but after my last update, the Velocity has quite a bit of technology from my more recent aircraft.
Everything I have read and watched about the Duke appears that it is an amazing aircraft and you have set the bar very high for future developers. I fly the Velocity just about every day. Looking forward to the updated G3X in the Velocity and future projects you come up with.
I don't know about others but I'd be ready to pay an upgrade price for a substantially improved Velocity (but please keep it crazy fast)
I just wanted to let you guys know that I did most of the work on this last night. Creating the instrumentation for the Working Title G3X was not nearly as "drag and drop" as I had expected, but the result is fantastic. I added many functions, annunciators, and warnings that pertain to the Velocity, so I think you will enjoy it. Now, we just have to wait for the final word from PMS and TDS for integration best practices.
In the meantime, it really warms my heart to know that you guys are still enjoying my first aircraft! I had a blast flying it yesterday and was remined of just what a fantastic GA experience it is!
Superb news! I've been a fan of the Velocity since the beginning... made a nice paint for it too. It's an underrated quick little experimental which requires good descent planning due to lack of speed brakes and flaps. It'll be even nicer with this new G3X and GTNXi
@Black-Square So amazing to hear! I just can't wait. That aircraft is irreplaceable to me, nothing has been able to top it. I can't wait to continue my trip around the world in it using the new G3X. I wish I bought it direct from Justflight because I'll probably have to wait a few days longer on SimMarket, unless you're willing to release it at the same time.
The only other aircraft I'm looking forward to as much is the Starship, and it's not a replacement.
Also a favorite of mine and I'm looking forward to the update. Although is there any chance of scaling back the window tint? It's a bit much and makes it difficult to see the scenery at any time that isn't the middle of the day, especially in VR. Also looking forward to the Starship, I know you'll knock it out of the park with that one
Flying the Velocity right now. Really looking forward to the G3X upgrade.
@Black-Square - Just checking in to see how it is going. We are all eagerly awaiting the update.
I'm talking with the TDS developer right now, and it sounds like we might have something we can release after Flight Sim Expo in a couple of weeks. I would try to release something earlier, but this is the version that we want to submit for the in-game Marketplace.
@Black-Square thanks for the update, I’m refreshing this thread daily and it took a lot of self control to not ask for progress reports. :)
So no issues with PMS 750, just TDS? -
Any Velocity update?…
About a month and a half since an update. Kind of concerning.
Nothing to be concerned about, but I'm glad you're eagerly awaiting the update! I was hoping to release the update with support for the PMS50 GTN and the TDS GTNxi at the same time (or at least have the base capability to support both), but the beta testing period for the TDS GTNxi is taking a little while longer. I will take your message as an opportunity to message the developer this week to get a status update.
@Black-Square I think they've released an update yesterday actually. The TDS GTNxi Pro should now be compatible with the G3X.
You're correct! I'm looking at the changelog right now. Given how proactive the developer is, I suspect I might receive an email from him any minute now. Thank you for the heads up!