UNS1: MSFS ATC not recognizing Flightlevel
@p919h_lm It's got nothing to do with UNS-1. The flight plan is exported from Simbrief and loaded into MSFS planner. For some reason ATC thinks your cruise level is 0ft. I don't have this problem with PMDG, Fenix or iniBuilds and their FMS' don't sync with ATC either.
The problem is with the UNS-1. If you switch to Modern FMS in EFB the problem goes away. The UNS-1 does not play well with the MSFS flight modes used for ATC. If you use Direct or VOR mode with flight following the UNS-1 blocks pilot to ATC communication plus other issues.
@Mark said in UNS1: MSFS ATC not recognizing Flightlevel:
@el_Barto Thanks for reporting this. We have passed this on to the UNS-1 development team to investigate further.
Mark - Just Flight
Any update on this? Did UNS-1 development team manage to replicate the problem?
Still not fixed. Planned level of 12,000. Only made it up to about 7000, then instructed to descend to 3000.
There are some improvements to the ATC interaction with v0.2.1 that should fix some of the issues previously reported. ATC should never give you a cruise altitude of 0ft now which did previously prevent the ATC menu from providing any other options once you have been handed off to another frequency.
The difficulty we are having is the UNS-1 doesn't care about your cruise altitude. Unlike other FMSs, the cruising altitude isn't entered during the UNS-1 during the pre-flight setup and therefore it cannot tell the in-game ATC system what your intended cruising altitude is for that flight. We are using a workaround at the moment to ensure that you are always given a cruise altitude and even if it's slightly low, you can still request higher through the in-game ATC menu. (Note, any ATC instructions to initiate a descent are controlled entirely through the MSFS ATC system, we are just telling the simulator what cruise altitude to set not when the top of descent is).
There are further improvements to the ATC interaction currently in development and these improvements will be included in a future update.
Mark - Just Flight
@Mark said in UNS1: MSFS ATC not recognizing Flightlevel:
There are further improvements to the ATC interaction currently in development and these improvements will be included in a future update.
So after many months - is there any timeline for that update?
BTW: with the RJ ATC flightlevel is fine, unfortunately the RJ is demanding for my system. -
There is a significant update to the 146 currently in development that will bring a lot of improvements that were added to the RJ back to the 146. We do have the feedback in this thread logged on our internal trackers, so it will all be revisited again by the development team during their work on the update. Any changes to this default ATC interaction we'll be sure to list in the update's changelog.
Mark - Just Flight