Missing airports in UNS-1 navdatabase (via Navigraph Hub)
First of all, thank you for a great update.
However, it seems that there are some issues with the UNS-1 specific navdata. Specifically, it would not accept OTBK airport as a valid departure, even though when switched to default (modern) FMS -- it would work just fine. Below is the video of this bug:
Serhii. -
OK, seems like the issue is within Navigraph, since Simbrief also doesn't seem to recognize this field.
Oh well :) I'll wait for custom waypoints even harder now :)
All airports and navaids that are used by the UNS-1 are all sourced from navdata that has been supplied by Navigraph, so if a waypoint or airport cannot be entered into the UNS-1, this likely means it doesn't exist in the Navdata.
Researching OTBK it looks like the airport was removed from the real-world Navdata in 2019 which is why it won't be included with the Navigraph Navdata which is newer than that.
The Working Title Pro Line 21 FMS you mentioned uses the default MSFS Navdata which I believe is slightly older and likely hasn't yet removed the airport from the navdata.
Mark - Just Flight
Mark, thank you for the reply and confirmation!