converted fsx/p3d 3rd party aircraft not showing!
hello all, i recently bought fs traffic! but ive got a problem, ive converted some fsx/ p3d freeware aircraft and im using them as ai! but they dont show at airports! can anyone help please? as i did see that 3rd party aircraft can be incorporated into fs traffic!
Are you able to successfully load them as flyable aircraft in the sim? If so then as long as you have the following flag set in the [fltsim.x] sections of the aircraft.cfg, "canBeUsedByAITraffic = 1", then you should be able to utilise them as AI in FS Traffic. -
i cant find "canbeusedbyaitraffic" in the fltsim.x sections! do i add them?
the aircraft i converted arent showing in the hangar menu in the sim
I'm afraid this falls outside the scope of FS Traffic, as the program doesn't assist with the conversion of aircraft to MSFS, only utilising aircraft that are available in the sim.
Converting an aircraft from P3D to MSFS is more complicated than just dropping the files into the MSFS folders. They need to have been processed through the package builder so that they have a valid manifest file etc. There are plenty of ways that the packaging call fall over, so I would suggest studying the output logs to see if it highlights the issue. -
it worked yesterday with a air 2000 733 but it isnt working today for some reason